April 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to order.
2. Administer the oath of office to Brent DeMuth, for the board seat # 4, a 5-year term.
3. Roll call and determination of a quorum.
4. Reorganization of the Board of Education. Nominations and election of a president, vice president, and clerk.
5. Vote to approve/not approve the agenda as part of the minutes.
6. Vote to approve/not approve and sign the minutes of the previous board meetings, special session March 6, 2024 and regular session March 11, 2024.
7. Vote to approve/not approve General Fund Encumbrances and Change Orders of $40,439.96, PO # 374-389 and PO # 70295-70297, Building Fund Encumbrances of $3,649.50, PO # 67, the Activity Fund Report; and any Activity Fund transfers as presented.
8. Visitor recognition, public comments, and board comments.
9. Reports: a) superintendent, b) principals, c) treasurer
10. Vote to acknowledge any resignations as presented.
11. Discussion and possible board action to approve/not approve the application and budget for the Oklahoma Opioid Abatement grant.
12. Discussion and possible board action to approve/not approve the upcoming 2024 Off-Season/Summer Girls Basketball Schedule, and use of the school vehicles all supervised by school district staff as presented. See attached for dates and locations.
13. Discussion and possible board action to approve/not approve the District's Temporary Appropriations Application for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
14. Proposed executive session to discuss the employment of a Middle School Social Studies teacher, and a High School Head Cheer Coach. Discussion to employ Career and Probationary Teachers as listed by campus, all for the school year 2024-2025 all pursuant to 25 O.S. 307 B (1).
15. Vote to enter executive session.
16. Board returns to open session.
17. Executive session minutes clerk report.
18. Discussion and possible board action to approve/not approve a Middle School Social Studies teacher for the 2024-2025 school year, all pursuant to 25 O.S.307 B(1).
19. Discussion and possible board action to approve/not approve the Career Teachers and Probationary Teachers, as attached per campus for 2024-2025 school year all pursuant to 25 O.S. 307 B (1).
20. Discussion to approve/not approve a High School Head Cheer Coach for the 2024-2025 school year, all pursuant to 25 O.S.307 B(1).
21. New Business
22. Vote to adjourn.