February 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call and determination of a quorum.
3. Vote to approve/not approve the agenda as part of the minutes.
4. Vote to approve/not approve and sign the minutes of the previous board meetings, regular session, January 13, 2025.
5. Vote to approve/not approve General Fund Encumbrances and Change Orders of $68,079.34, PO # 314-343 and PO # 70475-70479, Building Fund Encumbrances of $1,400.00, PO # 59-60, Bond Fund 35 of $33,135.00, PO # 1, the Activity Fund Report; and any Activity Fund transfers as presented.
6. Visitor recognition, public comments, and board comments.
7. Student Recognition.
8. Reports: a) superintendent, b) principals, c) treasurer
9. Vote to acknowledge any resignations as presented.
10. Discussion and possible board action to approve/not approve the surplus of old computers and monitors at the Middle School.
11. Board to consider and take action on a resolution determining the maturities of, setting a date, time and place for the sale of the $2,200.000 Building Bonds of this School District; and designating bond counsel for this issuance of bonds.
12. Discussion and possible board action to approve/not approve an out of state Band trip to Orlando, Florida May 16-22, 2026.
13. Discussion and possible board action to approve/not approve the OKTLE LICENSE AGREEMENT for the 2025-2026 School Year.
14. Discussion and possible board action to approve/not approve the project proposal for the play space on the east side of the Elementary, which would start in the summer.
15. Discussion and possible board action to approve/not approve a contract for athletic video boards.
16. Discussion and possible board action to approve/not approve Extra Duty Stipend for 2024-2025, MS Assistant Baseball Coach; Ethan Caldwell.
17. Discussion and possible board action to approve/not approve the district's calendar based on the State Departments' 1080 hours and 165 days requirement for the 2025-2026 school year.
18. Proposed executive session to discuss the employment of Mandi Williams as Elementary Principal; Donna Boles as Intermediate Principal; Patsy Matheson as Elementary/Intermediate Asst. Principal; Bruce Williams as Middle School Principal; Brandon Poteet as High School Principal; Nicole Tivis as Special Services, and Andy Everson as High School Asst. Principal/Athletic Director, for the 2025-2026 school year all pursuant to 25 O.S. 307 B (1).
19. Vote to enter executive session.
20. Board returns to open session at 7:45 p.m.
21. Executive session minutes clerk report.
22. Vote to employ Mandi Williams as Elementary Principal; Donna Boles as Intermediate Principal; Patsy Matheson as Elementary/Intermediate Asst. Principal; Bruce Williams as Middle School Principal; Brandon Poteet as High School Principal; Nicole Tivis as Special Services and Andy Everson as High School Asst. Principal/Athletic Director, for the 2025-2026 school year all pursuant to 25 O.S. 307 B (1).
23. New Business
24. Vote to adjourn.