April 16, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Ardmore Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call the meeting to order, establish a quorum & state compliance with the Open Meeting Act. [James Foreman, Board President]
Pledge of Allegiance [Led By: Sadie and Sophia Vaughn, Lincoln 3rd & 4th Grade Center]
Oath of Office for Jaclyn Woods, Seat 4 [James Foreman, Board President]
Annual Reorganization of the Board of Education
Consent Agenda
Monthly Financial Report for the Month Ending March 31, 2024.
Encumbrance Orders and Change Orders as listed for FY24.
Annual Activity Account Review|Approval
Fundraiser Requests from Schools, Clubs & Organizations
Contract Approvals/Renewals
Discussion, consideration, and vote to adopt a resolution declaring the following real estate to be surplus to the needs of the District and authorizing the Superintendent to offer the real estate for public sale. [Board President]
New Business not known at the time the agenda was posted.
Consider and take action, if necessary, on the date, time and place of the next regular board meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. in the Ardmore Administration Board Room, 611 Veterans Blvd., Ardmore, OK.
Proposed executive session to discuss the following items, followed by a vote to convene into Executive Session. [Board President]
Board President to declare Executive Session complete followed by a motion and vote to acknowledge the Board's return to open session and the meeting being reopened to the public.
Board President to provide the Executive Session Minutes Compliance Announcement as to who was present in Executive Session, items discussed, note that no other business was discussed and that no action was taken while in Executive Session.
Consider and take action to approve the recommendation for the following certified employment for the 2024-2025 school year:
Consider and take action to renew the employment contracts of the following career-certified staff members for the 2024-2025 school year, subject to a fully executed and mutually agreeable employment contract as to each employee, subject to reassignment. These staff members have submitted their intent to return to Ardmore City Schools and have valid teaching certificates on file in the Human Resources Department for FY25.
Consider and take action to renew the employment contracts of the following certified staff members [who have completed two years with the district] for the 2024-2025 school year only, subject to a fully executed and mutually agreeable employment contract as to each employee, subject to reassignment. These staff members have submitted their intent to return to Ardmore City Schools and have valid teaching certificates on file in the Human Resources Department for FY25.
Consider and take action to renew the employment contracts of the following certified staff members [who have completed one year with the district] for an additional one-year temporary contract for the 2024-2025 school year, subject to a fully executed and mutually agreeable employment contract as to each employee, subject to reassignment. These staff members have submitted their intent to return to Ardmore City Schools and have valid teaching certificates on file in the Human Resources Department for FY25.
Consider and take action to renew the employment contracts for the following certified district administrators/directors for the 2024-2025 school year:
The following resignations have been received and approved by the Superintendent.