November 6, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
3. Discussion and possible action to approve a letter of intent to complete and submit the Opioid Abatement Grant Award Application to the Office of the Attorney General.
4.a. Discussion and possible action on the Minutes of October 2, 2023.
4.b. Approve the Financial Fund Reports.
4.c. Discussion and possible action on the Encumbrances for the General Fund Non Payroll # 435-523 ($165,791.34), General Fund Payroll #70000-70622 ($12,301,065.41), the Encumbrances for the Building Fund Non Payroll # 10-11 ($16,475.99).
4.d. Discussion and possible action on the additions to the following Activity Fund accounts: (1) High School Media
5. Board to consider and take action on a resolution determining the maturities of, and setting a date, time and place for the sale of the $850,000 General Obligation Combined Purpose Bonds of the School District.
6. Board to consider and take action on the Resolution for Election of board seats #1 and #4 for 2024.
7. Discussion and possible action on changing the name and purpose of the 951 "Public Relations" activity account to "Central Office Hospitality" and starting a Bonfire t-shirt fundraiser for the fund.
8. Discussion and possible action to approve or not to approve the Regular Board Meeting Calendar for 2024.
9. Discussion and possible action to approve or not approve the following board policy revisions:
10. Discussion to approve or not approve the FY2023 E-Rate Contracts awarded to United Systems through competitive bidding. Contracts include Category 2 Internal Connections, Basic Maintenance, and Managed Internal Broadband Services. Bethany's District Portion is highlighted in all of the quotes (50% of the total cost is Bethany's E-Rate Discount)
11. Discussion and possible action to approve or not to approve the following out-of-town/out-of-state/overnight trips: (a) Special Services staff members, Samantha Williams and April Arthur, to attend the Oklahoma School Psychological Association annual conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma, November 29, 2023 through December 1, 2023, expenses to be paid out of project 621 funds, (b) STUCO sponsors and students to attend OASC State Convention in Owasso, Oklahoma, November 11 through November 13, expenses to be paid out of the STUCO activity fund, (c) Track and Field coaches and students to attend the Class 4A State Track & Field Championships in Catoosa, Oklahoma, May 3 through May 4, expenses to be paid out of the high school Track and Field activity fund, (d) Boys Basketball Coaches and students to Lincoln Christian Tournament in Tulsa, Oklahoma, January 4 through January 6, expenses to be paid out of the high school Boys Basketball activity fund.
12. Discussion and possible action to approve or not to approve the following contracts/agreements for FY’24: (a) Overland Charters for the Senior Class Trip in the amount of $10,572.00, (b) Olympia Prep for advanced mathematics tutoring in the amount of $294 per week for 6 hours of instruction and $49 per hour for each additional hour needed each week, (c) Audio Vision, LLC for the Broncho High School Corral A/V Upgrades in the amount of $4,779.00.
13. Discussion and possible action to approve or not to approve the following people for the mentor team for Presley Ballenger, first year teacher: Beth Meek, Christina Brown, Chad Marchino, and David Jewell.
14.a. Presentation of School Improvement Plans by site administrators.
15. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Proposed executive session to discuss and, after returning to open session, to take possible action on Items 16-21. 25 O.S. § 307 (B)(1) and (B)(7)
15.a. Vote to go into Executive Session.
15.b. Acknowledge return to open session
15.c. Executive Session Minutes Statement
16. Employment of Brayden Escoe, BMS Teacher Assistant/Playground Monitor, to be paid $12.00 per hour.
17. Employment of Eric Sailer as a Fall Ball chaperone to be paid $25.00 per hour up to 4 hours. Denise Kimbrough had to cancel and he will take her place. |
18. Employment of Eric Sailer, Interim HS Athletic Facilitator.
19. Employment of Mel Kincaid, Special Services Teacher Assistant, to replace Mallory Neal.
20. Employment of Arwin Ray, Head MS Girls Basketball Coach.
21. Employment of Dr. Ed Neuenschwander, substitute for 4 advanced mathematics classes until 12/20/2023.