October 2, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
3. Presentation and discussion by Troy Rhodes and Stan Lingo to provide an update on BPS construction projects and outline financial amendments needed for the ongoing construction project.
3.a. Discussion and possible action to approve the following change orders as presented by Troy Rhodes and Stan Lingo for the high school construction project:
4. Presentation and discussion by Alvin Myers from United Systems in regard to new Cybersecurity components that have been put in place.
4.a. Discussion and possible action to approve the changes to the United Systems contract to increase cybersecurity as presented by Alvin Myers.
5. Discussion of possible purchase of a weapons detection system in the amount of $39,486.00.
6. CONSENT AGENDA: All of the following items will be approved by one vote unless any Board Member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. Possible action regarding the Board of Education to:
6.a. Approve minutes of the September 5, 2023, Regular Board Meeting.
6.b. Approve the adoption of the 2023-2024 Budget.
6.c. Approve the Financial Fund Reports.
6.d. Approve the Encumbrances for the General Fund Non Payroll # 293-435 ($230,849.55), General Fund Payroll #70000-70622 ($12,307,744.54), the Encumbrances for the Building Fund Non Payroll # 4-9 ($306,707.19).
6.e. Approve the additions to the following activity fund account: (1) Elementary Library, (2) Middle School Cheer, (3) High School Yearbook, and (4) High School Art.
7. Discussion and possible action to approve the District's Capacity of students in each grade at each school site as presented.
8. Discussion and possible action to approve or not approve the following board policy revisions:
9. Discussion and possible action to approve First National Bank of Omaha as the purchasing card vendor for Bethany Public Schools.
10. Discussion and possible action on BPS the designation of administrators, school counselors, and school psychologists to serve as administrative representatives for Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings for the 23-24 school year.
11. Discussion and possible action to approve the District's 23-24 All School Musical as "Once Upon A Mattress" by Rodgers, Barer and Thompson.
12. Discussion and possible action to approve or not to approve the following contracts/agreements for FY’24: (a) All 4 Fun Rental Agreement in the amount of $900.00, (b) Apptegy communication services in the amount of $16,890.00, (c) Canadian Valley Transportation Contract in the amount of $39,200.00, (d) K&K Insurance for Camp Classen in the amount of $250.00, (e) Red Rover Technologies Absence/Time/Hiring annual subscription in the amount of $12,400.00, (f) STEAM Booth Collaboration Agreement, (g) The Palace Event Center contract correction for Prom on April 19th, 2024 in the amount of $2,300.00, (h) GRVTY Group Fall Ball DJ contract in the amount of $525.00.
13. Discussion and possible action to approve or not to approve the following out-of-town/out-of-state/overnight trips: (a) Honor Band participation at Shortgrass in Elk City, Oklahoma, January 5-6, 2024, expenses to be paid with band activity fund account (b) Honor Band participation at OKMEA Allstate in Tulsa, Oklahoma, January 17-20, 2024, expenses to be paid with band activity fund account (c) High School Band trip to Chicago, Illinois, April 25-28, 2024 expenses to be paid with band activity fund account (d) the following Special Services staff, Heather Williams, Amy Ross, Helene Carson, Erika Butler, and Nikki Ybanez, to attend the Oklahoma Transition Institute Conference in Glenpool, Oklahoma, November 13-15, 2023, expenses to be paid with Project 613 Special Services funds, High School Baseball trip to Fort Smith, Arkansas, March 8-9, 2024 expenses to be paid from the activity fund account.
15. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Proposed executive session to discuss the resignations of Mallorie Neel, Tony Brady and Miriam Cisneros and the employment of Monica Lopez, Paige Dillard, Jeremiah Fleming, Kevin Price, Ian Rundell, Aaron Toler, Stephanie Kirkpatrick, Tess McAnally, Presley Ballenger, Amy Sailer, Cari Douglas, Denise Kimbrough and, after returning to open session, to take possible action on Items 16-26. 25 O.S. § 307 (B)(1).
15.a. Vote to go into Executive Session.
15.b. Acknowledge return to open session
15.c. Executive Session Minutes Statement
16. Resignation of Mallorie Neel, Teacher Assistant, effective September 20, 2023.
17. Resignation of Tony Brady, from Assistant High School Girls Softball Coaching Position, effective September 21, 2023.
18. Resignation of Miriam Cisneros, Teacher Assistant, effective October 2, 2023.
19. Employment of Monica Lopez, Teacher assistant, to be paid $12.50 per hour.
20. Employment of Tess McAnally, Presley Ballenger, Amy Sailer, Cari Douglas, and Denise Kimbrough as Fall Ball Chaperones at $25 an hour for up to 4 hours.
21. Employment of Paige Dillard, Head Middle School Track and Field Coach.
22. Employment of Jeremiah Fleming, Assistant High School Boys 9th Grade Basketball Coach.
23. Employment of Kevin Price, Assistant High School Football Coach - Tier 2.
24. Employment of Ian Rundell, 9th Grade Baseball Coach.
25. Employment of Aaron Toler, Middle School Athletic Facilitator.
26. Employment of Stephanie Kirkpatrick, Federal Programs Clerk/Encumbrance Clerk.
The following is a list of upcoming dates and activities for you to be aware of (a) Camp Classen, October 4-6, 2023, (b) Fall Break, October 19-23, 2023, (c) Foundation Auction, November 7, 2023. |