November 13, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Owasso Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Special Recognition - Ms. Gina Metcalf, Elizabeth Osei and Ezekiel Giguiere
IV. Special Recognition - Mr. Chris Barber - Oklahoma Music Educators Association Exemplary Teacher Award recipient, Owasso Choir Director, Ms. Tricia Wynn
V. Special Recognition - Mr. Zach Duffield, Mr. Blake Collins and Girls Cross Country Team
VI. Reports to the Board
VI.A. Superintendent - Dr. Margaret Coates
VI.B. Teaching and Learning - Mr. Mark Officer
VI.C. District Services - Mr. Kerwin Koerner
VI.D. Continuous Strategic Improvement (CSI) - Mr. Mark Officer
VII. Comments from the Public Regarding Agenda Items
Each individual will have five (5) minutes to share their remarks related to the specific agenda item identified by the individual when signing up to speak. The total time allotted to comments from the public regarding the agenda will not exceed fifteen (15) minutes. |
VIII. Consent Agenda: Board to consider and take possible action on the following consent agenda items. (Dr. Coates)
VIII.A. Minutes of Regular Meeting, October 9,2023
VIII.B. Minutes of Special Meeting October 30, 2023
VIII.C. Minutes of Special Meeting November 2, 2023
VIII.D. Teaching and Learning
VIII.D.i. Out of State Student Activity Trips
VIII.D.ii. Purchase Agreement with Solution Tree, Inc. for Julie Schmidt to present Onsite Professional Development for the 2024-2025 school year at a cost of $13,000.00, as outlined in the attachment and authorize the Superintendent or designee to execute the contract.
VIII.E. Finance
VIII.E.i. Purchase orders (encumbrances) and changes to encumbrances for October 2023
VIII.E.ii. Activity Financial Report for October 2023
VIII.E.iii. License Agreement with Pel Industries, Inc. for a non-exclusive license to print our school logo on merchandise and to sell such merchandise to retail customers for the 2023-2024 school year at a cost of a 10% royalty on net sales price, as outlined in the attachment and authorize the Superintendent or designee to execute the License Agreement
VIII.F. Human Resources
VIII.F.i. Transitions
IX. Communications/Superintendent - Dr. Margaret Coates
IX.A. Board to review Policy #5.13 Prohibiting Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying for first reading. Edits, changes, and additions to the policy are outlined in the attachment
IX.B. Contract with Finalsite for website hosting services at a cost of $18,500 per year for 4 ½ years and a total cost of $93,250, as outlined in the attachment and authorize the Superintendent or designee to execute the Contract
X. Teaching and Learning - Mark Officer
X.A. Board to consider and take possible action on the proposed edits, changes, and additions to Policy #5.57 Student Suspensions, as outlined in the attachment
X.B. Board to consider and take possible action on the Rental Agreement with Chocolate Fountains of Oklahoma, LLC for fountain rental for the Junior/Senior Prom for the 2023-2024 school year at a cost of $3,284.00, as outlined in the attachment and authorize the Superintendent or designee to execute the Rental Agreement
X.C. Board to consider and take possible action on the Contract with Grueninger Travel Group for the travel of the Owasso HS Saxophone Ensemble and the Owasso HS Percussion Ensemble to attend the Chicago Midwest Clinic for the 2023-2024 school year at a cost as outlined in the attachment and authorize the Superintendent or designee to execute the Contract
XI. District Services - Kerwin Koerner
XI.A. Receive first draft reading of proposed changes to Policy #5.49 Child Nutrition Information for Families
XI.B. Board to consider and take possible action on the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) amendment to the existing AIA contract with Nabholz Construction Corporation for the Track remodel project
XII. Finance - Phillip Storm
XII.A. Board to consider and take possible action on the Treasurer's Report for October 2023
XIII. Human Resources - Lisa Johnson
XIII.A. Board to review Policy #1.46 Sick Leave Donation for first reading. Edits, changes, and additions to the policy are outlined in the attachment
XIV. New Business
XV. Vote to Adjourn