June 24, 2024 at 10:00 AM - Special Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Opening Exercises:
I.A. Call to Order and roll-call recording of members present and absent
I.B. Moment of Silence
I.C. Flag Salute
II. Call for Public Hearing for the purpose of accepting comments and for holding an open discussion, including answering questions regarding the 2024-2025 Tentative Proposed Budget, Midwest City-Del City Public School District I-52, Oklahoma County. The Public Hearing is to be held at the Special Meeting of the Board of Education at 10:00 AM on the 24th Day of June 2024, in the Boardroom at 7217 Southeast 15th Street, Midwest City, OK.- Ms. Woodard
III. Vote to approve or not approve the 2024-2025 Budget for the Midwest City-Del City Public School District I-52, Oklahoma County.- Ms. Woodard.
IV. Consent Agenda
All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at a board meeting, will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items: |
IV.A. Approval of the agenda.
IV.B. Vote to approve the following items:
IV.B.1. Encumbrance list for FY 2023-2024
IV.B.2. Encumbrance list for FY 2024-2025
IV.B.3. School Activity Funds
IV.B.3.a. Transfers Within Bank
IV.C. Vote to approve appointment/designation of the following persons to serve in the capacities stated and perform the duties as provided by law for the 2024-2025 school year:
1. School District Assistant Treasurer, Tara Williams |
IV.D. Vote to approve the following renewal or continuing contracts for 2024-2025:
IV.D.1. Renewal of Seesaw for the 2024-2025 school year. This is year 2 of a 3 year annual contract. The total cost is $58,715.04 and will be paid by Project 795.
IV.D.2. Vote to accept yearly bid renewal for the 2024-25 school year (Mid-Del Bid Project #2309, Year 2) for copy paper and custodial supplies from various vendors. The total cost if purchased in July 2024 is $381,780.64 to be paid as follows: $379,769.26 from General Fund 11 and $2,011.38 from Mid-Del Technology Center Fund 12.
IV.D.3. Renewal of School Safe ID Smart Dismissal Program and Visitor Management in the amount of $43,679.00 to be paid by Project Code 795-ARP, ESSER III. Within this total, the annual license fee for the Visitor Management System is $13,972.00, the Smart Dismissal Program software license is $6,487.00 and the cost of the car tags is $23,220.00. Site leaders are soliciting sponsors so the cost may be offset through sponsorships. School Safe ID is a sole source vendor.
IV.D.4. Renewal of PowerSchool Enrollment/ECollect Software support for FY25. The total cost of $50,545.52 is to be paid from Fund 11, Project Code 795. Severin Intermediate Holdings LLC is a sole source vendor for support of this program.
IV.D.5. Renewal of Quaver Music Curriculum for FY 2024-2025 from Quaver's Beyond Marvelous World of Music. The cost is $27,300.00 for thirteen elementary sites to be paid from Bond Fund 35. Quaver Music is a sole source vendor.
IV.D.6. Renewal of the agreement with Cenergistic, LLC for energy management accounting and efficiency services during the 2024-2025 FY. This is the 2nd year of a 5-year renewable agreement. Cost of contract is $31,018.00 per month; $372,216.00 per annum for FY25. Expenditure to be paid from Building Fund 21 and/or General Fund 11.
IV.E. 1. Darrell Hall, MCHS, to travel to Austin, TX on December 12-18, 2024 for the National Athletic Directors Conference & Exhibit Show. Expenses to be paid by Activity Fund 865-Athletics.
2. Robert Jones, DCHS, to travel to Austin, TX on December 12-18, 2024 for the National Athletic Directors Conference & Exhibit Show. Expenses to be paid by Activity Fund 865-Athletics. 3. Michael Dunn, CAHS, to travel to Austin, TX on December 12-18, 2024 for the National Athletic Directors Conference & Exhibit Show. Expenses to be paid by Activity Fund 865-Athletics. 4. Andy Collier, Administration, to travel to Austin, TX on December 12-18, 2024 for the National Athletic Directors Conference & Exhibit Show. Expenses to be paid by Fund 11, Project 137.
V. Vote to approve or not approve revisions to Policy C-15, Placements Intra-District.- Dr. Broiles
VI. Vote to approve or not approve the purchase of Property, Casualty, School Board Legal Liability, Student Malpractice Insurance, Pollution Liability, Workers Comp, Cyber and Position Bonds for 2024-2025. The total insurance cost for FY25 is $5,006,744.29, which is an increase of $325,758.02 over FY24 cost of $4,680,986.27. The Tech Center's insurance cost for FY25 is $218,384.00, which is an increase of $27,027.50 over FY24 cost of $191,356.50.- Ms. Woodard
VII. Vote to approve or not approve the change in funding source for the School Resource Officers (SRO) for Carl Albert High School, Del City High School, and Midwest City High School to General Fund 11 and/or Building Fund 21.- Ms. Gilkey
VIII. Vote to approve or not approve the purchase of Seesaw Instruction & Insights for the 2024-2025 school year. This will be year 1 of a 2 year annual contract. The total cost is $19,155.59 and will be paid by Bond 35, Project 044.- Ms. Rennick White
IX. Vote to approve or not approve to amend the MA+ Architecture Agreement for architect/engineer fees, as approved by the BOE on December 11, 2023, to include the following Bond Fund 37 (LR09) construction projects:
Amendment 1: 1. Add new scoreboards and shot clocks for high school and middle school basketball courts as needed and as funds allow 2. Add visitor seating at DCHS "Kalsu" Stadium 3. Add new scoreboard at CAHS "Rose" Stadium 4. Add new scoreboard at DCHS "Kalsu" Stadium 5. Add new scoreboard at MCHS "Darnell" Stadium Expenditures to be paid from Bond 37 (LR09).- Mr. Bryan
X. Discussion on the 2024-2025 academic calendar and options for graduation.- Dr. Cobb
XI. Human Resources
XI.A. Vote to approve or not approve all actions recommended in the Human Resources reports: - Dr. Cobb
XI.B. Vote to approve or not approve revisions to Policy G-15, Vacation.- Dr. Cobb
XI.C. Vote to approve or not approve the recommendation for Finance Coordinator.- Dr. Cobb
XI.D. Vote to approve or not approve the recommendation for the Head Principal at Midwest City High School.- Dr. Cobb
XI.E. Vote to approve or not approve the recommendation for an Assistant Principal at Midwest City High School.- Dr. Cobb
XI.F. Vote to approve or not approve the recommendation of an Assistant Principal at Midwest City Middle School.- Dr. Cobb
XI.G. Vote to approve or not approve the recommendation for the Head Principal at Parkview Elementary.- Dr. Cobb
XI.H. Vote to approve or not approve the recommendation for the Director of Maintenance and Construction.- Dr. Cobb
XII. Adjourn
This agenda was posted at the Board of Education Center, 7217 S.E. 15 Street, Midwest City, Oklahoma, on June 20, 2024, at 12:30 PM, in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. The next Regular Board meeting is July 8, 2024. |