March 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1.1. Call Meeting to Order (President)
1.2. Flag Salute
1.3. Roll Call (Minutes Clerk of the Board)
2.1. Recognition of Director Paula Cochran and the Ponca City High School Symphonic Orchestra
2.2. Recognition of Coach Heather Harris and the Ponca City High School Swim Team
2.3. Special Presentation to Board President Don Nuzum in Appreciation Of His Years of Service to Ponca City Public Schools (Superintendent)
2.4. Presentation of the Employee of the Month and Friend of Education Awards
The President of the Board will preside over presenting the March Employee of the Month and Friend of Education Awards to the following employees. Certified Employee of the Month - Lisa Myers
Library Media Specialist, Garfield/Roosevelt Elementary
Support Employee of the Month - Manuel Amador
Child Nutrition, West Middle School
Friend of Education - Free Will Baptist Church
3.1. Comments From the Public
The Ponca City Public School Board of Education recognizes the value of school governance of public comment on educational issues and the importance of involving members of the public in board meetings. The board has established guidelines to govern public participation in board meetings necessary to conduct its meetings and to maintain order. After checking in with the board clerk, individuals or groups wishing to speak during the public comment period must provide the following information, in writing, in order to speak before the board: • Name and address of the individual
Anyone who would like to speak to the board during the public comment period of the meeting must check in with the board clerk at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the board meeting. There will be a form available they will need to fill out and return to the board clerk before they can be heard by the board.• The agenda action item(s) the individual wishes to address • The organization the individual represents or is affiliated with, if applicable Participants must be recognized by the president or other presiding officer and must preface their comments with an announcement of their name and group affiliation, if applicable. Comments of the speaker must relate to an item on the meeting agenda. Generally, participants shall be limited to comments of a maximum of three (3) minute duration unless altered by the presiding officer, with the approval of the board. All public comments during any one regular meeting shall be limited to no more than fifteen (15) minutes. No participant may speak more than once during a single meeting. All statements shall be directed to the presiding officer; no participant may address or question board members individually. For more information regarding Speaking Privileges of the Public, please refer to Board Policy 1.3-6.0 Speaking Privileges of the Public, which is available at the board meeting, or in the board policy manual located on the district website,, under Board of Education. |
4.1. Consider and Take Action on Receiving Annual Audit Report from Jenkins & Kemper
Michael Kemper, from the district's auditing firm Jenkins & Kemper, will present the FY24 financial audit to the board. Erika Johnson will answer questions.
5.1. Driver's Ed Program (Sean Taglialatela)
5.2. STEM Summer Programs (Alicia Smith)
6.1. Legislative Update
6.2. District Update
Motion required for the approval of the Consent Agenda as printed or as amended. Board members may, however, call for a separate vote on any or all items listed on the Consent Agenda. |
7.1. Minutes from February 10, 2025 Regular Meeting
7.2. Contracts/Agreements under $10,000
8.1. Consider and Take Action on the Following District Financial Reports:
8.1.A. FY25 Budget Amendments
8.1.B. FY25 General Fund 11 Encumbrances #1158-#1368 in the amount of $347,907.21
8.1.C. FY25 Building Fund 21 Encumbrances #106-#118 in the amount of $140,331.63
8.1.D. FY25 Child Nutrition Fund 22 Encumbrances #90-#95 in the amount of $136,000.00
8.1.E. Bond 34 Encumbrances #21-#26 in the amount of $224,334.54
8.1.F. FY25 Gifts and Endowment Fund 81 Encumbrances #160-#195 in the amount of $20,764.13
8.1.G. Change Order Listing as of 3/6/25 for Funds 11, 21, 22 and 81
8.1.H. Budget Analysis Reports
8.1.I. Bond Fund Reports
8.1.J. Booster Club Reports/Fundraiser Requests
8.1.K. Activity Fund Reports/Requests
8.1.L. Treasurer’s Reports
8.1.M. Out-of-State Travel Requests
8.1.N. Ratification & Approval of Payrolls
8.2. Consider and Take Action on the following Contracts/Agreements:
8.2.A. Quote from ByteSpeed for Computers for the Ponca City High School Business Lab
This quote is for 80 computers for the business lab at Ponca City High School. The computers will have the required specifications to run the full Adobe Suite of programs used by the business lab at a cost of $995.00 per unit. The total cost is $79,600.00, and funds will come from Bond 34. Ryan Dooley will answer questions.
8.2.B. Quote From Catapult Learning, LLC for Professional Development
This quote is for five days of Literacy First in-person professional development of The Science of Reading for kindergarten through fifth-grade teachers. The total of $24,950.00 also includes materials for up to 20 participants. The funds will come from RSA/Project 367, and Teri Vogele will answer questions.
8.2.C. Easement to Grant the City of Ponca City Full Rights to the Storm Sewer Pipe at the Baseball Complex
This easement grants the City of Ponca City full rights of ingress and egress to the permanent storm sewer pipe that runs underneath the stands at the Baseball Complex. There is no cost to the district. Jason Leavitt will answer questions.
8.2.D. Agreements with EF High School Exchange Year for Three Foreign Exchange Students to Attend Ponca City High School for the 2025-2026 School Year
These agreements allow three foreign exchange students from Spain, Italy, and Germany to attend Ponca City High School for the 2025-2026 school year. Dr. Dalana Hawkins will answer questions.
8.2.E. Renewal of an Agreement with Frontline Education for HR Software
This is a renewal agreement for software used by the HR Department. This includes Absence and Time Solution and Proactive Recruiting. The cost is $44,404.86 and comes from the General Fund. Jennifer Dye will answer questions.
8.2.F. Proposal from Orion Security Solutions for Security Upgrades at Ponca City High School
This proposal is to install access control on 11 doors at Ponca City High School to provide the ability to monitor and secure the high school campus. The total cost of this project is $96,556.00 and costs will be split between the Building Fund ($4,556.00) and General Fund/Security 376 ($92,000.00). Jason Leavitt will answer questions.
8.2.G. Ratification of an Agreement with Stephen H. McDonald & Associates, Inc. in Connection with Any Issuance of General Obligation Bonds by the District
This is a ratification agreement with Stephen H. McDonald & Associates, Inc. in connection with any issuance of general obligation bonds by the District. For these services, the district agrees to pay the Financial Advisor on a fee schedule based on the par value of bonds issued. The original Financial Advisory Agreement was approved by the Board on August 9, 2021.
8.2.H. Quotes from Toucan Productions, Inc. for Rewiring and Installation of Additional Lighting in the High School Auditorium
Toucan Productions, Inc. will rewire and install additional lighting in the PoHi Auditorium. The total cost is $21,568.65 with $13,872.31 coming from General Fund/176 Wing Grant and $7,696.34 from Building Fund. Jason Leavitt will answer questions.
8.2.I. Quote from Trafera for Laptops and Desktop Computers for Teachers and Admin at Ponca City High School
This quote is for 115 laptops and 74 desktop computers for the teachers and Admin at the Ponca City High School. Funds will come from Bond 34 and total $106,881.00. Ryan Dooley will answer questions.
8.2.J. Agreement with Hindman Enterprises LLC dba Hindman Lawn Care for Mowing Services
This agreement is for mowing, weed-eating, and edging lawns at Liberty, Union, Trout, Washington Pre-K, Woodlands, and Roosevelt. The total cost is $80,784.00, divided between fiscal years 2025 ($38,016.00) and 2026 ($42,768.00). The costs will come from the Building Fund. The contract will run from March 11, 2025, through October 31, 2025. Jason Leavitt will answer questions.
8.2.K. Agreement with Ultimate Pest Management for Mowing Services
This agreement with Ultimate Pest Management is for mowing, weed-eating, and edging lawns at the High School, East Middle School, Administration, West Middle School, Lincoln, Garfield, and the Edwin Fair building. The total cost is $92,060.00, divided between fiscal years 2025 ($43,322.36) and 2026 ($48,737.64). The cost will come from the Building Fund, and the contract will run from March 11, 2025, through October 31, 2025. Jason Leavitt will answer questions.
8.3. Motion and Vote to Convene in Executive Session for the Following Purposes: to Discuss the Possible Termination, Reassignment, Resignation, and Employment of Personnel on the Attached Detailed Personnel Report [Authority for Executive Session: 25 O.S. Section 307(B)1)]; to Discuss the Employment of Executive Directors and Directors [Authority for Executive Session: 25 O.S. Section 307(B)(1)]; and to Discuss the Purchase or Appraisal of Real Property [Authority for Executive Session: 25 O.S. Section 307 (B)(3)]]
8.4. Return to Open Session.
8.5. Recital by Board President that Minutes of Executive Session Were Kept by the Board Minutes Clerk and Will Remain Confidential
8.6. Consider and Take Action on Recommendations for Termination, Reassignment, Resignation, and Employment of Personnel
10. ADJOURNMENT (Motion required)