September 12, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order by presiding officer and roll call by minute clerk.
2. Declaration of quorum by presiding officer.
3. Discussion: Any individual wishing to address the board on any item appearing on the agenda shall sign in with the board clerk prior to the start of the meeting. The president of the board will then acknowledge only those individuals whose names are listed to address the board concerning any item appearing on the board agenda. (BED-R.
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Approve minutes of the August 8, 2024 Regular Meeting.
4.2. Approve Treasurer's Report
4.3. Approve Activity Report
5. Approve Encumbrances
6. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table Fundraiser requests.
7. Discussion of armed personnel.
8. Board to consider and take action on a resolution determining the maturities of, and setting a date, time and place for the sale of the $1,660,000 General Obligation Building Bonds of the School District.
9. Discussion of moving forward with the bond.
10. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table the 2024-2025 Jetty Counseling contract.
11. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table Collier Education Consulting, LLC contract (professional development to be paid for with 515 money).
12. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table 2024-2025 Estimate of Needs.
13. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table the 2024-2025 Expenditure Budget By Function.
14. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table Division of Nutrition Services MOU (Chickasaw Nation).
15. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table Oklahoma Department of Career & Technology Education contract for the 2024-2025 school year.
16. Discussion of College Remediation Report.
17. Discussion of High School Dropout Report.
18. Discussion of Community Partnerships.
19. Discussion of past and present State Test scores.
20. Discussion of OSSBA Superintendent Evaluation Domains.
21. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table updating Federal Program Policies. (see attached)
22. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table the revision of Policy EKBA.
23. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table the revision of Policy EIA-R4.
24. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table Policy EMDB.
25. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table Policy CKAH.
26. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table Policy CKAH-P.
27. Discussion of the Chase Morris Sudden Cardiac Arrest Response Plan.
28. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table having graduation at 11:30 am.
29. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table the use of the HS gym by Syd Petty for an end of year tumbling show on May 10, 2025.
30. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table the use of the HS cafeteria by Mt Olive Baptist Church on Oct 6th for Church Homecoming.
31. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table renaming the Activity Fund sub account #951 High School Library to #951 Library.
32. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table declaring a surplus of $300.00 in Activity Fund subaccount #820 to be transferred into subaccount #812 and to be transferred back after money is raised through a fundraiser.
33. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table creating an Activity sub account for E-Sports.
34. Proposed executive session in accordance with Oklahoma State Law-Section 528-B-1 for the purpose of discussing: (1) Superintendent contract. (2) The employment of Joslyn Flowers as a one on one para for 2nd grade. (3) The temporary employment of Rachel Hightower as MS Aide, to be paid with 515 funds. (4) The emergency certification of Chase Sawyer for US History. (5) The emergency certification of Sarah Burrows for HS Art.
34.1. Vote to convene into Executive Session
35. Compliance statement by presiding officer that nothing was discussed in executive session other than the items on the agenda and that no action was taken.
36. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table the contract of Byron Mooney as District Superintendent.
37. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table the employment of Joslyn Flowers as a one on one para for 2nd grade.
38. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table the temporary employment of Rachel Hightower as MS Aide, to be paid with 515 funds.
39. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table the emergency certification of Chase Sawyer for US History.
40. Discussion and vote to approve, not approve, or table the emergency certification of Sarah Burrows for HS Art.
41. New Business
Under this item, the Board can consider and vote on any business that could not have beenforeseen or known about at the time the agenda was posted. |
42. Superintendent Report
43. Adjourn