August 8, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Discussion and possible action to appoint a board member to fill opening for board seat number 4.
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IV. Swearing in of newly appointed board member.
Holly Belknap read the oath of office. Clint Simonton had to leave the meeting at 6:02 p. m.
V. Consent Agenda (The board will vote to accept, reject or modify the items in one motion. If a member wishes, items may be considered on an individual basis.)
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V.A. Correction to Minutes of the 06-13-2022 regular meeting.
V.B. Minutes of the 7-12-2022 regular meeting
V.C. Approval of encumbrances, claims, transfers and change orders in the general fund, building fund, child nutrition fund and activity funds, including the following:
V.C.1. 2022-2023 general fund purchase orders #168-209, totaling $88,672.66
V.C.2. 2022-2023 general fund change orders as of 8-5-2022, totaling $434.99
V.C.3. 2022-2023 general fund payroll change orders as of 8-5-2022, totaling $10,962.83
V.C.4. 2022-2023 building fund purchase orders #9-12, totaling $20,078.47
V.C.5. 2022-2023 building bond fund purchase orders #1-4, totaling $17,651.59
V.C.6. 2022-2023 child nutrition fund purchase orders #15-19, totaling $9,226.38
V.C.7. 2022-2023 child nutrition fund payroll change orders as of 8-5-2022, totaling $230.85
V.D. Activity fund report
V.E. Treasurer's report
VI. Reports/Announcements/Meetings
VI.A. Superintendent's Report
Mr. Karpe gave the superintendent's report. He talked about the new OSSAA guidelines for fans, teams, coaches, and students. Student section will be monitored closely to keep students inline. He also updated the board on improvements around the campus. A few projects are not done from the bond issue; the science lab and ag rooms are currently being updated. Several of the security measures are in place for the beginning of school. As the other security measures on installed, Mr. Karpe will update the board. The RAVE app should go into effect before September 1st. This app will be installed on all staff phones and will alert police if an emergency arises. Mr. Karpe gave the transportation and utilities report.
VII. Items to be considered by the Lindsay Board of Education
VII.A. Vote to approve, reject or modify fundraising requests.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
VII.B. Discussion and possible action to declare the following items surplus and authorize the superintendent to dispose of items in a manner that is in the best interest of the school district: cafeteria warmer, fryer, scrubber, and table.
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VII.C. Discussion and possible action to approve contract with Claborn Services, LLC for E-Rate Services the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 school year.
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VII.D. Discussion and possible action to approve contract with Baker Speech Clinic for the 2022-2023 school year.
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VII.E. Discussion and possible action to approve contract with Visual Senses for the 2022-2023 school year.
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VII.F. Discussion and possible board action on recommendations for special education handbook changes for 2022-2023 school year.
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VII.G. Discussion and possible action on Resolution to transcript Math, Science and Technology classes taught at Mid-America Technology Center for the 2022-2023 school year.
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VII.H. Discussion and possible action to train and allow school employees(as determined by the superintendent) to carry a gun on school campus for the safety of our students, faculty, and staff.
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VIII. Discussion and possible action on personnel items as follows:
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VIII.A. ↵Resignations
VIII.B. Employment
IX. New business
No new business.
X. Adjourn
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