July 11, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
I. Call to order and roll call
II. Consent Agenda (The board will vote to accept, reject or modify the items in one motion. If a member wishes, items may be considered on an individual basis.)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
II.A. Minutes of the June 10, 2019 regular meeting
II.B. Approval of encumbrances, claims, transfers and change orders in the general fund, building fund, child nutrition fund and activity funds, including the following:
II.B.1. 2018-2019 general fund purchase orders #540-600, totaling $349,322.46
II.B.2. 2018-2019 general fund change orders as of 6-30-19, totaling ($32,987.99)
II.B.3. 2018-2019 general fund payroll change orders as of 6-30-2019 totaling $12,129.72
II.B.4. 2018-2019 building fund change orders as of 6-29-19, totaling ($2,816.72)
II.B.5. 2018-2019 child nutrition fund change orders as of 6-30-19, totaling $135.75
II.B.6. 2019-20 general fund purchase orders #1-148, totaling $831,686.74
II.B.7. 2019-20 building fund encumbrances #1-10, totaling $175,752.00
II.B.8. 2019-20 child nutrition fund encumbrances #1-13, totaling $197109.10
II.C. Activity fund report
II.D. Treasurer's report
III. Reports/Announcements/Meetings
III.A. Superintendent's Report
Mr. Chapman gave the superintendent's report. He shared with board members that he will be attending training for the Acellus program, which is new software that will be used for the high school and alternative education this next school year. The software is accredited through the state and gives students expanded learning opportunities. Professional development days are scheduled for August 5, 6, and 7 to give teachers an opportunity to receive training on new technology that will be used this year. Those attending will be compensated for their time (these days are outside of their contract days). An app is in the process of being set up for the school district. It can be downloaded at this time, but all the information has not been added yet. Mr. Chapman told board members the proceeds from the bonds were received today. An electrical engineer had been on site and will provide a plan to take down the electric lines on the west side of the high school and go underground into the high school building with the lines. Also, the lines that go overhead across Creek Street for internet, etc., will be placed underground. Mr. Chapman also hopes to mount transformers on the ground to replace the transformers currently on a raised platform at the west end of the high school building. He shared with the board that a lot of maintenance work has been taking place over the summer. He talked with the board about the middle school roof and the general consensus of the members was to replace that roof. Mr. Chapman will begin steps to get that project started. The transportation report for June and summary for the year were reviewed, as well as the utilities report.
III.B. Principals' Reports
III.B.1. Elementary
Mrs. Boeckman gave the report for elementary. She mentioned much work has been done on the jungle - resealing the wood, replacing screws and bolts, etc., to insure it will be safe for students. She also reviewed proposed changes to the elementary handbook for the 2019-20 year.
III.B.2. Middle School
Mr. Ferguson reported for middle school, saying the entrance to the building has been re-tiled and the carpet in the office replaced. Mr. Ferguson went over changes he'd like to see made to the middle school handbook.
III.B.3. High School
Mr. Karpe reviewed handbook changes for the high school for the upcoming year.
IV. Items to be considered by the Lindsay Board of Education
IV.A. Vote to approve, reject or modify fundraising requests.
No fund requests had been submitted, so no action was required on this agenda item.
IV.B. Discussion and possible action to approve the following authorized representatives for the Lindsay Public Schools for the 2019-20 fiscal year:
1. School depository - American Exchange Bank 2. Encumbrance Clerk - Serina Zurline 3. Minutes clerk - Theresa Bevers 4. Deputy minutes clerk - Dana Hines 5. School treasurer - Barre Griffith 6. Deputy school treasurer - Theresa Bevers 7. Transportation director - Rick Smith 8. Activity fund custodian - Dana Hines 9. Civil rights officer - Dan Chapman 10. Maintenance director - Danny Moore 11. Drug education coordinator - Melanie Lawrence 12. Asbestos coordinator - Tommy Ferguson 13. Safety coordinator - Chuck Karpe 14. Textbook coordinators - Chuck Karpe - High school Tommy Ferguson - Middle school Kim Boeckman - Elementary school 15. Federal programs director - Twana Shoemake 16. Section 504 coordinator - Jennifer Taylor 17. Title IX compliance officer - Chuck Karpe
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
IV.C. Discussion and possible action on recommendations on handbook changes for the 2019-20 school year.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mr. Chapman recommended approving proposed handbook changes, with the addition of social media wording to the policy concerning bullying.
IV.D. Discussion and possible action on Chromebook policy for the middle school and high school for the 2019-20 school year
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The plan for use of Chromebooks is to have a mobile lab in every classroom. Students will have a specific device checked out to them in each of their classes that they will return at the end of the class period. There will be an extra cart with 27 devices available in the high school library and the middle school office. Students will be able to check out a Chromebook from these places if they need one to take home for the evening. Students will also be able to access all the information from school on any device they may have in their home. Teachers will be able to monitor students' classwork activity at school and at home.
IV.E. Discussion and possible action to declare the following items surplus and authorize the superintendent to dispose of items in a manner that is in the best interest of the school district: Hotpoint refrigerator, serial #Ctx18eacgrww; 10 office chairs; 2005 Bluebird/Vision bus VIN#1BAKGCKH95F218719; 1999 GMC/1500 pickup, VIN#1GTEC14V1XE545484; 2001 Ford/F250 pickup, VIN#1FTNX21F01MA49990; 2008 Chevrolet/Impala sedan, VIN#2G2WB55N989132187
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IV.F. Discussion and possible action to approve Form 307 - Request for approval of state aid and/or federal fund for schools (coop fund)
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IV.G. Discussion and possible board action to approve District Special Education Plan and Policies for 2019-20
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Mr. Chapman explained that the only changes to the plan were to update names of personnel.
IV.H. Discussion and possible action to update certified salary schedules pending acceptance/approval by certified staff
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Mr. Chapman recommended that $1,220 be added to each step on all salary schedules.
IV.I. Discussion and possible action on personnel items as follows:
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
IV.I.1. Take action on any resignations/retirements received to date
IV.I.2. Employment
IV.I.2.1. Elementary special education teacher
IV.I.2.2. Cafeteria worker
V. New business
There was no new business
VI. Adjourn
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.