October 12, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
I. Call to order and roll call
II. Possible action to adjourn meeting to the high school library in order to practice social distancing
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III. Consent Agenda (The board will vote to accept, reject or modify the items in one motion. If a member wishes, items may be considered on an individual basis.)
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III.A. Minutes of the September 14, 2020 regular meeting
III.B. Approval of encumbrances, claims, transfers and change orders in the general fund, building fund, child nutrition fund and activity funds, including the following:
III.B.1. 2020-2021 general fund purchase orders #251-276, totaling $33,576.67
III.B.2. 2020-2021 general fund change orders as of 10/09/2020, totaling $420.00
III.B.3. 2020-2021 general fund payroll change orders as of 10/09/2020, totaling $12,435.12
III.B.4. 2020-2021 building fund purchase orders #20, totaling $1,667.25
III.B.5. Child nutrition fund report
III.B.6. 2020-2021 child nutrition fund change orders as of 10/09/2020, totaling ($500.00)
III.B.7. 2020-2021 child nutrition fund payroll change orders as of 10/09/2020, totaling $35.19
III.C. Activity fund report
III.D. Treasurer's report
IV. Reports/Announcements/Meetings
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
Mr. Chapman presented the Superintendent's Repot. He stated membership has increased from last month. He also noted High School membership has improved over the last few years. More students are graduating and he complimented high school Principal Mr. Karpe on how well he has done keeping students in school until graduation. Mr. Chapman also went over the 2018 Bond. All of the money from the 2018 bond has been spent on the district. Next year the board will have to decide if a bond needs to be presented in order to continue to purchase buses for the district. Mr. Chapman recommends every three years a transportation bond needs to be passed in order to keep the district buses up to date. The Covid 19 numbers were given to the board: 2 student positive cases this summer, 3 students and 1 teacher positive case this school year, and 25-30 students and staff quarantined due to exposer to a positive Covid 19 case. As of right now we have no known active cases among students and staff. Mr. Chapman stated the health department has been overwhelmed with community cases and they will allow the school to take responsibility in contacting the exposed students and staff. Mr. Chapman addressed the board about public relations. The district is utilizing social media and our school website to promote positivity in the district. Staff and patrons are highlighting the best of Lindsay Public Schools. He went on to say, Lindsay has a great virtual program in place and he wants students to have the option to continue with in person learning or virtual learning in the future. Mr. Chapman reviewed the transportation report and utilities report.
IV.B. Principals' Reports
IV.B.1. Elementary
Mr. Burrell gave the Elementary report. To date there are 578 students enrolled in elementary school. Right now 60 of those students are virtual students. He stated discipline issues are down from previous years.
IV.B.2. Middle School
Mr. Ferguson gave the Middle School report. He presented the students of the month for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. He complemented Mr. Adams and the Middle School Academic team on how well they are doing this year. He also stated Mr. Adams plans to continue robotics even though meets are canceled this year due to Covid. Mr. Ferguson updated the board on athletic events going on. He stated JH football would be over this week and 6th grade basketball started up. Lindsay will be hosting a 6th grade tournament this year. HS football had a great win last Friday night. He also said we have been fortunate that we have not had to cancel any football games this year. Several schools have had to cancel due to Covid.
IV.B.3. High School (ACT)
Mr. Karpe gave the high school report. He presented the students of the month. He congratulated the Band on all their hard work, it is paying off. They have won several awards at their marching contest. The FFA judging team took home 3rd overall team at State Judging Contest and Seth Tucker placed 4th individually. Mr. Karpe said Lindsay Schools has chosen the ACT as our 11th grade test.
V. Items to be considered by the Lindsay Board of Education
V.A. Vote to approve, reject or modify fundraising requests.
V.B. Board to consider and take action on a resolution determining the maturities of, and setting a date, time and place for the sale of the $1,390,000 General Obligation Building Bonds of the School District.
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V.C. Discussion and possible action to renew or continue with Alltel Communications Wireless, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Wireless
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V.D. Discussion and possible action on the 2021 Annual School Election Resolution
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V.E. Discussion and possible action on agreement with the City of Lindsay for a resource officer for the 2020-2021 school year
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V.F. V.F. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve the Lindsay Public School system to calculate the 2020-2021 school year in hours instead of days, with the minimum number of hours being 1,080 to be in session as allowed in H.B.1864
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V.G. Vote to approve or not approve recommendation to declare the following items as surplus and authorize superintendent to dispose of in a manner that is in the best interest of the school district: Ag Department-10 Panels from the Ag Barn
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V.H. Discussion and possible action on Title I Program Plans for Lindsay Elementary School and Lindsay Middle School
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VI. New business
Board member spoke on compassion towards students during this difficult time.
VII. Adjourn
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