April 9, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
I. Call to Order and roll call
II. Consent Agenda (The board will vote to accept, reject or modify the items in one motion. If a member wishes, items may be considered on an individual basis.)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
II.A. Minutes of the March 12, 2018 regular meeting
II.B. Approval of encumbrances, class, transfers and change orders in the general fund, building fund, child nutrition fund and activity funds, including the following:
II.B.1. 2017-2018 general fund purchase orders #334-367
II.B.2. 2017-2018 general fund change orders as of 4-5-18 (#20-326)
II.B.3. 2017-2018 payroll change orders as of 4-9-18
II.B.4. 2017-2018 building fund purchase orders #65-68
II.B.5. 2017-2018 building fund change orders as of 4-5-18 (#42-62)
II.B.6. Child nutrition fund report
II.B.7. 2017-2018 child nutrition fund payroll change orders as of 4-9-18
II.B.8. 2017-2018 building bond fund (37) purchase orders #10-20
II.B.9. 2017-2018 building bond fund (38) purchase order #3
II.B.10. 2017-2018 building bond fund (39) purchase orders #3-5
II.C. Activity fund report
II.D. Treasurer's report
III. Reports/Announcements/Meetings
III.A. Superintendent's Report
Mr. Chapman shared the membership report - enrollment is up 8 students from last month, but down 5 from this time last year. He shared that the softball facility nearing completion, the safe room is completed and the arena is nearing completion. The state fire marshal will be here Wednesday to go through the arena and safe room. A representative from the architect's office will come and go through the building and make up a list of unfinished items to be done. Hopefully we will take possession of the building the first part of May and will hold an open house at that time. It was the general consensus of board members to have the double L's on the outside of the arena. The honors banquet is scheduled for April 24th, 6:30 p.m. Graduation will be held May 25th 7:00 p.m. and board members will meet at 6:30 p.m. Mr. Chapman noted while reviewing the transportation report that $6500 of the expenditures for the month was for a hood for one of the buses.
At the time of the last board meeting, we didn't know that we'd be in walkout situation. Board members had agreed to move the remaining two bad weather days to April 5 and 6 to accommodate teachers. Today was first day our teachers will have to make up. Graduation will not be changed. The board of education has the authority to reduce the number of days students attend school as long as the 1080 hour minimum requirement is still met. Right now there are 5 days in excess of the 1080 hours. Teachers by law have to fulfill their contract and work 180 days or lose pay. |
III.A.1. Membership
III.A.2. Building projects
III.A.3. Honors Banquet - April 24, 6:30 p.m. at Olive Garden in Norman
III.A.4. Graduation - May 25th at 7:00 p.m.
III.A.5. Miscellaneous (transportation and utilities)
III.B. Principals' Reports
III.B.1. Elementary
Mrs. Boeckman gave the report for elementary. The first day of testing in elementary was March 3rd, with the next testing day scheduled for Thursday, March 5th. The elementary staff stepped up Wednesday morning to complete testing in 16 individual classrooms. Everyone did an excellent job of helping make testing happen. Third grade was able to complete their testing and fifth grade has two tests left to complete - writing and reading.
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III.B.2. Middle School
Mr. Ferguson began the report for middle school by sharing the names of the students of the month. Testing for middle school students is scheduled to begin the first day students return to school. Mr. Ferguson reported that one seventh grade student scored 22 on the ACT. Lindsay is hosting slow pitch regional competition. Track meets are still taking place and students participating in middle school track doing really well.
Mr. Chapman added that activities are still going on, with teachers taking students to events. |
III.B.3. High School
Mr. Karpe was not able to attend the meeting.
IV. Items to be considered by the Lindsay Board of Education
IV.A. Vote to approve, reject or modify fundraising requests.
No fund raising requests had been submitted, so no action was required.
IV.B. Vote to approve or reject recommendation to enter into an agreement with ALCA for 2018-2019
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mr. Chapman recommended the agreement with ALCA be approved for 2018-19. There had been no change in the cost from last year.
IV.C. Vote to approve, reject, or modify recommendation to enter into a lease agreement on sixty acres from April 11, 2018 to December 31, 2018: Tract 1: the SW ¼ of the SW ¼ and W ½ of the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 10, Township 4 North, Range 4 West of the Indian Base and Meridian, Garvin County, Oklahoma. Tract 2: The SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 10, Township 4 North, Range 4 West of the Indian Base and Meridian, Garvin County, Oklahoma.
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The initial contract ran from April to April. This presented a problem for any farmer that might lease the land and have a crop planted. The dates have been changed for this lease period - from April 11, 2018 to December 31, 2018. Mr. Chapman recommended the lease agreement with Miller Farms, LLC, be approved.
IV.D. Vote to approve or not approve Gabbart Communications as web site host for the district for the 2018-2019 school year.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mr. Chapman recommended continuing with Gabbart Communications as web site host for the upcoming school year.
IV.E. Vote to approve or not approve recommendation to declare as surplus the following items and authorize superintendent to dispose of in a manner that is in the best interest of the school district: eight 6 foot tables, desk from elementary counselor's office, and an Ingersoll-Rand air compressor, serial #494485.
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Mr. Chapman explained the items listed were no longer of use to the district and recommended they be declared surplus.
IV.F. Vote to approve or reject recommendation to amend the 2017-18 calendar to move April 27 and May 11 bad weather days to April 5 and 6.
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Board members had previously discussed moving the remaining bad weather days to April 5th and 6th, and Mr. Chapman recommended the board approve that change.
IV.G. Vote to approve or not approve early retirement contract
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
An early retirement contract had been submitted by Kim Cleary.
IV.H. Vote to approve or reject personnel items as follows:
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IV.H.1. Take action on any resignations/retirements received to date
Erica Keen had submitted her letter of resignation, effective June 30, 2018.
IV.H.2. Re-employment of certified staff for the 2018-2019 school year as per attached lists
IV.H.2.1. Teachers on temporary contract
IV.H.2.2. Probationary teachers
IV.H.2.3. Probationary to career status teachers
IV.H.2.4. Career teachers
IV.H.3. Employment for 2018-2019:
IV.H.3.1. High school teacher/coach
Mr. Chapman recommended Steven Merrell for the high school teacher/coach position.
IV.H.3.2. Special Education teacher
Mr. Chapman recommended Laura Merrell for the special education teacher position.
V. New business
There was no new business.
VI. Adjourn
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