June 20, 2019 at 8:00 AM - Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Minutes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call meeting to order - Roll call of members
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
2. POSSIBLE CONSIDERATION AND VOTE OF CONSENT AGENDA: All of the following items, which concern reports and items of routine nature normally approved at board meetings, will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of discussion, consideration and vote of Items #2A-#2O.
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Agenda
2.A. Approve the agenda as a part of the minutes
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
2.B. Approve the minutes of the Special Board of Education meeting of May 22, 2019
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
2.C. Approve the minutes of the Special Board of Education meeting of May 28, 2019
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
2.D. Approve temporary appropriations for the 2019/2020 fiscal year at the 100% rate: General Fund - $5,231,068.00; Building Fund - $519,892.00; and Child Nutrition - $89,670.00
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
2.E. Approve the 2019/2020 Assemble Paperless Meeting subscription with OSSBA in the amount of $1,500.00
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
2.F. Approve 2019/2020 District membership into the following Organizations: Northwest Oklahoma School Officials at $500.00; Oklahoma State School Board Association (OSSBA) at $1,600.00; Organization of Rural Oklahoma Schools (OROS) at $600.00; and Oklahoma School Advisory Council (OSAC) at $350.00
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
2.G. Approve 2019/2020 workers compensation with OSAG for $10,209.00
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
2.H. Approve Edgenuity as the schools on-line curriculum at $5,900.00 for 2019/2020 school year
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
2.I. Approve property and liability insurance coverage for the period of 7/1/2019 to 6/30/2020 in the amount of $ 40,220 from OSRMT.
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
2.J. Approve 2018 / 2019 membership in OPSUCA (Oklahoma Public School Unemployment Compensation Trust Account) in the amount of $250.00
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
2.K. Approve the 2019/2020 policy services subscription through OSSBA in the amount of $750.00
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
2.L. Approve E Grants Management and Assurance Statement and LEA Agreement
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
2.M. Approve purchasing school supplies for students for the 2019/2020 school year
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
2.N. Approve Dr. Stacey Croft as trustee for the Lamar Daugherty and the David Sanders Scholarship Accounts at Alva State Bank & Trust Company
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
2.O. Items removed from Consent Agenda for separate action
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
3. Acknowledgment of guests - if any present
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
4. Vote to approve / not approve encumbrances, change orders, and warrants as follows:
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
5. Vote to approve / not approve the May 2019 Activity Fund report
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
6. Vote to approve / not approve transfer of $146.06 from the Petty Cash Account and $12,350.00 from the Clearing Account to the General fund and $6,414.30 from the Lunch Account of the Activity Fund to the Child Nutrition fund
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
7. Vote to reserve / not reserve from the 2018/2019 General fund $96,050.67 and Building fund $155,500.00 for purchases and projects approved by the Board which invoices have not yet been received
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
8. Discuss and review copier quotes for the 2019 / 2020 school year with possible action to be taken
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
9. Discuss, review and vote to approve/not approve Child Nutrition and Physical Fitness Program (CO) and Salary Schedules (DE-R1) Policies for 2019/2020 with possible action to be taken
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
10. Proposed executive session to discuss the ongoing evaluation of the performance of the superintendent and to discuss the employment of a new counselor and elementary teacher.. 25 O.S. Section 307(B)(1)
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
11. Vote to convene/not convene in executive session
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
12. Acknowledge return to open session
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
13. Executive session minutes compliance announcement
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
14. Discussion and possible board action to employ an elementary teacher
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
15. Discussion and possible board action to employ a counselor
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
16. Discuss and vote to approve / not approve Burlington school's minimum teacher salary schedule and superintendent salary for the 2019/2020 school year
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
17. Discuss and review possible support personnel salary increases with possible action to be taken
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
18. Discussion with possible board action to employ Angel, Johnston & Blasingame. P.C. for school treasurer
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
19. Discussion with possible board action to approve a resolution authorizing the change of school accounts from Farmers Exchange Bank of Cherokee to Alva State Bank of Burlington
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
20. Proposed executive session to discuss the purchase of real property. 25 O.S. Section 307(B)(3)
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
21. Vote to convene / not convene in executive session
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
22. Acknowledge return to open session
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
23. Executive session compliance announcement
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
24. Discussion with possible action to be taken on purchasing real property
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
25. Discussion with possible board action to be taken on bus barn project
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
26. Read and vote to approve or not approve the resignation of Candice Davis
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
27. Superintendent Report
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
27.A. Finance
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
27.B. OSSBA/CCOSA Convention August 22 - 25, 2019
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
27.C. Comparison Expenses - telephone and utilities
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
27.D. Summer maintenance
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
28. New Business - For business that has developed since posting of the agenda
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
29. Adjourn
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item