August 6, 2021 at 9:00 AM - Special Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call the meeting to order.
2. Roll call of members.
3. Flag Salute, Moment of Silence, and Good News SPS.
4. Welcome and Introductions, SPS Superintendent, Dr. Bob Gragg
5. Post-Pandemic Planning, Discussion, Reports, and Review of the following: Return to Learn Plans, Stimulus Expenditure Plans, CDC and Local Health Guidance, Model Schools Framework, Facility Plans, District Academic Plans, Marketing/Communication/Branding Strategies, Professional Learning Communities (PLC's) strategies, Transportation Plans, District Goals and Sub-Goals including a Districtwide Wildly Important Goal (WIG), and other related topics and strategies.
5.A. Creating Synergy - Retreat Overview (Attachment A)
Facilitator - Ms Cindy Heupel |
6. Board to consider and take necessary action(s) regarding Post-Pandemic Plans for Seminole Public Schools.
7. Adjourn.