October 12, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Okarche Regular Board Meeting
Minutes | |
Call to order and record attendance.
Presentation of Okarche students and organizations.
Mr. Sumrall introduced student groups (Band, Stuco, FFA, Supt Advisory Council
Consideration and action on the minutes of the regular board meeting held on September 14, 2020.
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Communication/Public Hearings
Administrative Reports and discussion
Elementary Principal - Chris Roby
Mr. Roby is at PT Conf
JH/HS Principal - Lisa Munson
Finishing PT Conf. We did it a little different. Parent contact with who they needed to meet with. School play yesterday and today. They did a great job. Virtual day for the JH HS and try it out on election day. Drug dog scheduled but a delay. Homecoming preparations underway and bringing back the parade. JH QB beat Geary in both games. Coaches vs Cancer Nov 13th vs Lomega. Blake and Sage been doing really well showing their cattle. Also going to American Royal this next week.
Superintendent - Josh Sumrall
Mr Sumrall commends everyone for the year going great. Met with Health Dept on Covid and so far we have been lucky. Still taking temp at both buildings.
Financial Report
Monitoring finances daily. Gross Production is down. $226,000 less right now then we did at this point last year. Talked to oilfield guys, they do believe it will pick up after the election. We've spent less so far this year than we did last year. Spending last year was furnishing the new buildings. Building bond fund balance- cash forward
Consideration and action on the following consent agenda items:
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General Fund purchase orders: 200-236
Building Fund purchase orders -
Child Nutrition purchase orders - 1
Building Bond 2009 -
Building Bond 2016 -
Activity Fund report
Activity Account transfer of funds
Child Nutrition report
Any and all change orders
Presentation and discussion by ATG Sports representative, Joe Gianino, on construction of a baseball and softball complex.
Joe Gianino presented the board with plans for a new softball and baseball field complex. 8 year turf and base warranty. Dimensions asked about. Standard sizes for our school. Maintenance for baseball field- more game by game maintenance. Making sure rubber in the infield is back in place. $2.6 million dollars as presented. Turn key. Could do a lease purchase with a bank over 3 years and use building fund.
Presentation, consideration and possible action on bids to demolish the old elementary school and any building plans for the future.
Table at this time for the action on the elementary bids. Discussion on location for band room. Surveys done for lines.
Discussion and possible board action to pass 2021 School Election Resolution.
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New Business
Motion to adjourn