December 6, 2011 at 7:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to order and roll call
2. Recognition of site Teachers of the year.
3. Board approval of the minutes of the November 7, 2011 regular meeting and November 17, 2011 special meeting.
4. Board consideration and vote to pay General Fund encumbrances #491-543 (accounts payable), #70177-70499 (payroll
), Building Fund encumbrances #17, and Child Nutrition encumbrances #71-75 (accounts payable).
5. Board vote to accept financial reports (treasurer's reports, treasury summary, revenue receipts register, encumbrance ledges, warrants issued) and activity fund reports for the month of November.
6. Board vote to pay the December payroll according to contracts.
7. Administrators' Report
8. Discussion with possible action to set the board meeting dates and times for calendar year 2012.
9. Discussion with possible action on approving a maintenance agreement with Schindler Elevator for the High School Elevator.
10. Discussion with possible action on hiring WES Para to assist with a new student and a full time bus driver.
11. Discussion with possible vote on resignations to date.
12. New Business.
13. Adjournment__________p.m.