December 10, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Call to Order.
2. Roll Call.
3. Flag Salute led by Anadarko Middle School Student Council members.
4. This is an open, public meeting held in accordance with the Open Meeting Laws of the State of Oklahoma.
5. Approval of Minutes of the November regular meeting.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
6. Public Comments.
No public comments.
7. 7th Grade Language Art students presentation.
Anadarko Middle School students, Brooklyn Matlock and Raylynn Miller, demonstrated the new Spheros that were donated by the American Indian Science & Engineering Society project. Doctor Kathy DeerInWater, program director, presented the Spheros and trained our teachers and students how they work.
8. Vote on the following items for action and/or discussion:
8.1. Vote to approve or disapprove the following fundraisers:
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
8.1.1. AMS/AHS Band to raise money for program/Spencer Strand & Jessica Stone.
8.1.2. Anadarko Middle School to raise money for program/LaTisha Matlock.
8.1.3. Junior Class to raise money for program/Chelsey Dorrough.
8.1.4. Academic Team to raise money for program/Cody Sims.
8.1.5. Wrestling to raise money for program/Craig Pruitt.
8.2. Vote to approve or disapprove the Title VII Impact Aid Indian Policies and Procedures as written or amended.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
9. Strategic Plan Goal Area 5 presentation.
Strategic Plan Goal Area 5 presentation was made by Lavonda Bost and Amy Mears.
10. New Business.
No new business.
11. Administrative Reports.
Mr. McCormick reported on the following:
1. Bus and roof repairs. 2. Meeting with Caddo/Kiowa Vo-Tech administrators to discuss the opportunities for students to be more college and career ready. 3. Communities & Schools, 2.7 million dollar, 4 year grant, will employ a district director and a coordinator for each site. 4. Donation of $1,500.00 was made by Orr Enterprises Inc/Marathon Oil Company to purchase Christmas gifts for students. 5. Congratulations to Greg Delaney, school board member, for serving another term on the board of education. |
12. Approval of warrants, change orders and purchase orders.
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13. Adjourn or recess to reconvene.
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