February 17, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Locust Grove Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call meeting to order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Open Forum, Public Comment or Indian Education Comments/Concerns
4. Superintendent Report/Recognitions
5. Consent Agenda
All of the items, which consist of a routine nature normally approved at Board meetings, will be approved by one vote unless any Board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration and approval of the following items: |
5.a. Minutes of Regular Board Meeting, January 6, 2025
5.b. Treasurer’s Report
5.c. Approve General Fund 11 Encumbrances # 336 to 392
5.d. Approve Building Fund 21 Encumbrances # 43 to 51
5.e. Approve Sinking Fund 41 Encumbrances # 1
5.f. Activity Fund Report for January, 2025
6. Discussion and possible action to approve Valedictorians and Salutatorians for 2025
7. Discussion and possible action to approve FY26 school calendar
8. Discussion and possible action to adopt the 2025 Mayes County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Resolution
9. Discussion and possible action to accept bid for baseball backstop net
10. Discussion and possible action to accept bid to clean out the fence row in front of Ag Barn
11. Discussion and possible action to accept bid for driveway/parking lot gravel for the ag barn
12. Discussion and possible action to accept bid for demolition of the interior walls at the Old ELC Gym
13. Discussion and possible action to accept bid to seal coat and stripe parking lots at the ELC, UE, MS, HS, and the Pirate Arena
14. Discussion and possible action to approve contracted services for a Grant Management Service Coordinator in support of FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant Program
15. Proposed executive session for the purpose of discussing the employment of a UE Paraprofessional and the resignation of (a.) April Pierce, HS Counselor and (b.) Lyra Pennington, ELC Paraprofessional pursuant to Oklahoma Statute 25 Section 307 (B)(1)
a. Vote to convene into executive session b. Acknowledge return to open session c. Statement of executive session minutes |
16. Take action to employ a Upper Elementary Paraprofessional
17. Take action to accept the resignations of (a.) April Pierce, HS Counselor, and (b.) Lyra Pennington, ELC Paraprofessional
18. New Business and action, if needed
19. Adjournment