January 13, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call meeting to order and Roll Call of members.
2. Approval of Consent Agenda items.
2.A. Approval of December 9, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
2.B. Approval Activity Report
2.C. Approval claims, encumbrances, and change orders:
3. Superintendent's Reports
3.A. Treasurer's Report - Mr. David Harp, Treasurer
4. Discuss and take action to approve the Student Dropout Report for 2022-2023
5. Discuss and take action to approve the College Remediation Report for 2022-2023.
6. Discuss and take action to approve an additional fundraiser for the 2024-2025 school year.
7. Vote to Convene or not convene into Executive Session.
8. Proposed Executive Session pursuant to Oklahoma Statues, Title 25, Section 307 (B) (1), to discuss Superintendent's evaluation and contract.
9. Vote to reconvene to Open Session.
10. Statement of Executive Session Minutes.
11. Discuss and take action on contract of Superintendent.
12. New Business
13. Adjournment