January 29, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Special Meeting Jones Board of Education
Minutes |
1. Call to Order.
2. Establishment of quorum.
3. Discuss and possible vote on the settlement statement for the purchase of real properties located at 320 SW 2nd Street, Jones, OK, and 420 SW 2nd Street, Jones, OK.
4. Discuss and possible vote on the encumbrance in Building Bond Fund (38) and warrant supported by proper invoice.
1. Approve FY24 Building Bond Fund Purchase Order #2 for a total of $685,292.07. 2. Approve FY24 Building Bond Fund AP Warrant for a total of $685,292.07.
5. Discuss and possible vote on the Section 125 Plan Document provided by American Fidelity.
6. Vote to adjourn.