October 10, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Pioneer Technology Center Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Call meeting to order
2. Roll call and establish a quorum
Also in attendance were Traci Thorpe, Ryan Burkett, Kendra Keelin, Kahle Goff, Stacey Rush, Molly Kyler, Terri Busch and Allison Christy.
3. Flag salute and moment of silence
4. Reports and Presentations -Goals Report Out, Team Representatives
Molly Kyler- Goas for the coming year, We have teams that have come up with goals for the years. Our strategic framework is centered around our mission and vision. At our last in-service we talked about the value of people and how that looks for PTC. Core competencies include fostering relationships, providing high quality programs and services, etc. Aligning our efforts to include our organizational targets, this is where our team goals come from. Admin team goals- Annual goals related to campus/facilities projects: Cosmo building, review wayfinding signage for campus, initiate WRO grant by purchasing equipment. Outreach program goals. Meet to discuss options with partner school superintendents and principles. determine a needs based process to move forward with a new program implementation. We have received the grant for Work Ready Oklahoma. Gay asked if we limit the numbers of students from each district. Kahle stated that we do not limit the school districts. We are looking at some student decreases across the districts and we are looking at what we need to do to attract those students back to PTC.
Markesha- AT&D- would like to create a virtual in-services training for adjunct instructors, hiring more clinical skills observers for the CNA programs, reduce class cancelations by 1-2%. We plant to visit with local tribes to continue to build Rapport and discuss the vocational training needs of tribal members. We also want to audit all CMA files to ensure property documentation of Ok state dept of health. Update categories on lumens as well as add new room additions and changes at pioneer tech. Dawn- Bis team - enhance the public image for BIS through community outreach and stakeholder engagement by using innovative communication strategies such as podcasts, community events, forums/conferences, outreach classes, and outreach lunches to all of our district communities. Provide programming to better respond to industry trends and meet the needs of clients and the market we serve by repackaging and adding new technology or launching brand new cources. Short term goals, utilize spaces such as the flex lab and BIS building incubator. Safety team- update or create new and upload at least 3 training programs per semester to safety Google drive to ensure relevant and accurate information. on board new team members to be able to continue to provide services along with updating and refreshing programs. Communications & Marketing team- Terr- Find 50 hall of fame graduates and celebrate them in media by January 31, 2023. Celebrate 50 thankful days that employees are thankful for Nov 2023. Buy time capsule and have every program/ service at PTC. put something inside, then bury it during Feb (Career Tech Month) Directors Team- Dr. B- Update the construction trades course offerings utilizing industry feedback. Identify and implement strategies to improve full-time program enrollment metrics. Determine if the findings from action plans could support admin goal related to outreach programs (career exploration/recruitment) Implementation of the Canvas learning management system. We are going back to the drawing board on this, because we have hit a wall with this system. Mike Orr- Facilities Team- Maintain an organized work space for the facilities department. Organize and clean facilities, team work space by May 20, 2024. Finance Team- Stacey- Restructure job responsibilities in finance staff positions and complete 100 % of cross training by May 1, 2024. Providing quarterly educational opportunities, throughout FY 24, to staff for improving and streamlining finance office services. Full-Time programs- Jennifer W. - Goals related to canvas implementation- Implement grading/progress tracking option for each program. Continue support for teachers who need additional tech assistance. Robbin S. Practical Nursing- 23-24 continue to grow PN select enrollment each cohort and successfully transition to the full time PN program. 23-24 maintain first attempt pass rates of 80 % with the NGN-NCLEX. We are up to 56 students and so word of mouth is out about LPN program. We are working almost a year out for enrollment for the nursing programs. Courtney Horne- Student services- Strengthen instructional support with program instructors. Complete new high school enrollment by March 30, 24 for signing or announcement date. Be the "Heartbeat". Compassionate, connected, caring, flexible, welcoming, determined, forward-thinking, reliable, safe place for students, connected, creative, accepting, brave, driven, understanding, changing, open-minded, accommodating as a team. Scott Systems Team- Rename printers for easier identification, update computers to win 11, update server to 2019. Molly- We strive to nurture, communicate and celebrate it. |
5. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve the Minutes of the September 12, 2023 regular Board of Education meeting
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
6. Discussion, review and vote to approve or not approve the Financial Reports; Activity Fund Report; and Encumbrances & Change Order Lists for FY24 General Fund #40532-40664 in the amount of $65,286.14; Building Fund #40019-40024 in the amount of $13,349.83; Payroll #70165-70166 in the amount of $43,038.89.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7. Administrative Reports and Anticipated Discussion by the Board and Staff regarding facilities, district policy issues, community issues and/or personnel or student needs
Accreditation visit happened, and we passed that with flying colors. We will be opening a position in the culinary to help keep them staffed.
7.A. Traci Thorpe, Superintendent/CEO
7.B. Kahle Goff, Executive Director full time programs
We have been working through team goals.
8. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve a Resolution to the County Election Board calling for the annual election of a Board of Education member in Zone 2
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
9. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve FY24 Budget Appropriations as listed on Appendix A
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve FY24 Supplemental Appropriation Request for Work Ready Oklahoma Grant in the amount of $1,363,885.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
11. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve the purchase over $10,000 as listed on Appendix B.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
12. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve the new or revised policies as follows:
(New)CN-R1- School Transportation Regulation, (New)GKF- Disciplinary Action for Misuse of School Bathrooms and Changing Facilities, BBBA- Election Zones, CKC- Disaster Drills, CLBC- Armed School Employees, DEB- All Leave, DECBH- Family Medical Leave, DEF- Unused Sick Leave, FNF-R- Search of Students,
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13. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve opening new positions for the Work Ready Oklahoma program: Program Coordinator, Program Manager, Employment & Job Specialist, Administrative & Program Support
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14. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve the Children's Lab & Preschool Infant Classroom Expansion
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15. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve individuals on part-time and temporary employment contracts, and addenda to contracts as listed on Appendix C.
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16. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve the employment of a Children's lab & preschool teacher
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17. Motion and vote to accept Mrs.Orva Rothgeb's resignation from the Board of Education and to proceed with the appointment process of a new board member for Zone 4.
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18. Discussion and possible board action with regard to the reorganization of board officers: President, Vice President, Clerk and Vice Clerk
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19. New Business
20. Board Comment
All members thanked Orva for her service to PTC.
21. Adjournment