August 8, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Pioneer Technology Center Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Call meeting to order
2. Roll call and establish a quorum
Also in attendance were Traci Thorpe, Ryan Burkett, Kendra Keelin, Kahle Goff, Stacey Rush, Molly Kyler, Terri Busch and Allison Christy.
3. Flag salute and moment of silence
4. Reports and Presentations
50th Anniversary Presentation and Events -Terri Busch- Communications & Marketing Coordinator
Terri showed the video of 50th Anniversary. She also spoke about the events that will happen throughout the year. Each month there will be an activity to celebrate Pioneer Technology's 50th year.
5. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve the Minutes of the July 11, 2023 regular Board of Education meeting
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
6. Discussion, review and vote to approve or not approve the Financial Reports; Activity Fund Report; and Encumbrances & Change Order Lists for FY24 General Fund #40188-40328 in the amount of $151,929.33; Building Fund #40007-40012 in the amount of $94,754.00; Payroll #70136-70159 in the amount of $1,494,933.26.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve out-of-state travel for Traci Thorpe to attend Benchmarking event in Wisconsin, October 23-25, 2023
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8. Administrative Reports and Anticipated Discussion by the Board and Staff regarding facilities, district policy issues, community issues and/or personnel or student needs
8.A. Traci Thorpe, Superintendent/CEO
We have accomplished a lot this summer. We had almost 300 people attend back to school night this evening. We have looked at the emergency operations plan, and have identified some of the things we need to change. We will continue to work through this plan and make sure we have covered everything. ADEARA will be here next week to go over the cyber security that we are implementing. We have been moving classrooms and updating restrooms this summer. We did get notification that OMES has accepted our solicitation for Work Ready Oklahoma Hope Center. We have gone and looked at the space and are almost ready to sign the contract. We will then start having meetings to move forward on the project. We are working on final capitol planning things that still need to be addressed. We have a main water leak in the old Cosmo building. We have plumbing issues, lighting issues, electrical issues, etc. in this building. We are looking at possibly vacating this space, and possibly demo the property. We will be opening a position in maintence/bus driver to fill the spot of our employee who submitted a letter of resignation. I am going to be the Chair for the group at the capitol. We are already in talks about the graduation pathway. JD will be reconginzed as all state school board member.
8.B. Kahle Goff, Executive Director, Business & Industry Services
Molly stated they have started 2 new employees. We have implemented safety training for laser welders for our own welding class here on PTC Campus. She is also working on construction industry needs, as stated at the B& I Breakfast. Customer service training is needed in the area and we have been working on getting that started. This position is going to be a great position to have on campus and in the community. This will make us more responsive and able to meet industry and partner needs.
Kahle- had 300 guests on campus and we are ready for the school year to get started. |
9. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve the 2023-2024 Marketing Plan
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Terri stated that the marketing plan has changed as the 50th anniversary events. This is the biggest change. we got gold star for 21 years straight. Printing has gone up so that line item has increased. We have also increased for the Golden year video and our golden year events on campus. mail and printing has gone up about 20%. ATD schedules should be out anytime. Enrollment for ATD will be Aug 14th.
10. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve individuals on part-time and temporary employment contracts, and addenda to contracts as listed on Appendix A.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
11. New Business
12. Public Comment
13. Adjournment