May 9, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Pioneer Technology Center Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Call meeting to order
2. Roll call and establish a quorum
Also in attendance were Traci Thorpe, Ryan Burkett, Kendra Keelin, Kahle Goff, Stacey Rush, Molly Kyler, Terri Busch and Allison Christy.
3. Flag salute and moment of silence
4. Reports & Presentations - Kari Widener, Blackwell Gateway Program
Kari Widener. Added some electives so have a few less students. 18 8th grades. 2 robotics classes, 36 students, combined 7-8th graders. 2 Gateway classes are also combined - 37. Engineering Essentials training this summer. - PLTW
28 current PTC students that were Kari's Received $10K PLTW grant through P66. First time at TSA National contest. |
5. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve the Minutes of the April 11, 2023 regular Board of Education meeting
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
6. Discussion, review and vote to approve or not approve the Financial Reports; Activity Fund Report; and Encumbrances & Change Order Lists (General Fund #31366-31551 in the amount of $379,501.36; Building Fund #30092-30103 in the amount of $205,880.27; Payroll #70166-70177 in the amount of $33,426.40).
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7. Administrative Reports and Anticipated Discussion by the Board and Staff regarding facilities, district policy issues, community issues and/or personnel or student needs
7.A. Traci Thorpe, Superintendent/CEO
Just wrapped up LOK experience. Class created a challenge coin. Gae them to the board members. Made a lot lifetime friends.Amazing experience. Started graduation season, had NTHS and GG last week and BPOC, 2nd class. 3rd grade event last week. 550 came. Exciting event on Monday - toured P66 a few months ago. Talked about connecting better with PTC. Coming next week with panelists talking about potential job opportunities. New incubator client coming at the end of May - Speech and occupational therapists.Molly is on her way to Lawton for TechCap graduation.Molly went to Senate and was confirmed as a member of the University Center board. Still have a few items on the punch list. Still working on some applications for open positions. Conducting some interviews this week. Kylia Carlson received credentials so she can be the coordinator. Weld for Work starts tomorrow. MJ&H. Celebration Friday - Thursday is our graduation. Other sending schools this week and next week. Speaker - The Hero Effect. End of year celebration on May 26 - goals. Elected officials picnic on the 15th at Evans Ranch. Interesting end to the legislative session.
7.B. Kahle Goff, Executive Director full time programs
Graduation on 18th - plan to have board members on stage to hand out diplomas. Very big event. CTSO season - ProStart did okay, not top 5.
8. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve Resolution for Schools and Libraries Universal Services (E-Rate) for 2022-23. This resolution authorizes filing of the Form 471 application(s) for funding year 2022-23 and the payment of the applicant's share upon approval of funding and receipt of services
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9. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve FY24 resource allocations to support Blackwell Gateway Partnership Program
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10. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve FY24 resource allocations to support Woodland Gateway Partnership Program
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11. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve purchases over $10,000 as listed on Appendix A
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12. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve a contract with the Gooden Group, Inc. to serve as the consultant for a joint marketing and public relations initiative involving multiple technology center districts for FY24 ($1,087.00 increase from last year for a total of 5,526.00).
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13. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve a contract with Statewide Marketing Cooperative Agreement for FY24 ($13,750 - same as last year).
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14. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve individuals on part-time and temporary employment contracts, and addenda to contracts as listed on Appendix B
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15. Motion and vote to approve contact renewals for employees listed on Appendix C (Instructors & Facilitators)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
16. New Business
17. Public Comment
18. Motion and vote to adjourn