March 6, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Flag Salute and Moment of Silence
4. Public Discussion
5. Instruction/General Areas/Special Superintendent Items
5.1. The Board commends by unanimous consent the following:
5.2. Hear a report from the State Department of Education regarding Western Heights participation in School Improvement Grants (SIG).
5.3. Vote to approve or not to approve a new position of Executive Director of Elementary School Improvement/Turn Around Officer and Instructional Coaches.
5.4. Vote to approve or not to approve a revision to the school calendar for School Year 2017-18
5.5. Hear a report and take possible action regarding the award of up to four (4) credits per semester from Francis Tuttle for Western Heights students.
5.6. Receive a capital improvement update from Pete Parker.
6. Consent Agenda
6.1. Approval of Minutes of the February 13, 2017 School Board Meeting
6.2. Treasurer's report
6.3. Vote to approve the following fundraisers:
7. School Finance and Business
7.1. Vote to approve or not to approve the following encumbrances for the previous month
7.2. Vote to approve or not to approve an agreement with Barlow to provide services for negotiations.
8. School Policy and Personnel
8.1. Vote to approve or not to approve the following employment of non-certified personnel for School Year 2016-2017
8.2. Vote to approve or not to approve the resignation of the following certified personnel.
8.3. Vote to approve or not to approve the resignation of the following non-certified personnel
8.4. Vote to approve or not to approve the requested leave of absence.
8.5. Vote to approve or not to approve the re-hire of the following certified personnel for School Year 2017-2018 .
8.6. Vote to approve or not to approve the resignations of the following certified personnel for School Year 2017-2018
8.7. Vote to acknowledge and accept the services of additional substitute teachers, volunteers and/or lay coaches:
9. Executive Session
9.1. Vote to convene or not convene in executive session for the purpose of:
9.2. If executive session is authorized by a majority of a quorum of the board members present, convene in executive session to:
9.3. Acknowledge the end of executive session and return to open meeting.
10. Information and Possible Voting Items. The next regular Board Meeting is April 10, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at John Glenn Elementary School, 6501 S. Land, Oklahoma City, OK
11. New Business: Superintendent
12. New Business: Board Members
13. Adjournment