February 3, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Vote to approve or not approve the minutes of the regular meeting January 6, 2025.
4. Consent Agenda
All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at board meetings, will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. |
4.A. Finance FY 25
4.A.a. Purchase order numbers 275 through 402, purchase order number 70423 and changes to previous purchase order numbers, 44, 78 and 129, in the General Fund, totaling $118,364.98.
4.A.b. Purchase order numbers 68 through 74, in the Building Fund, totaling $43,845.13.
4.A.c. Purchase order number 2, in the Bond 1 Fund (Elem/Ag Construction), totaling $17,050.00.
4.A.d. Purchase order number 3, in the Sinking Fund, totaling $1,129,100.00.
4.A.e. Activity Fund Report.
4.B. MOU for Fleet Space Sharing and Use with the Oklahoma Department of Human Services.
4.C. National Board Teaching stipend for Shelly Williams.
5. Principal's Report
5.A. High School Principal
5.B. Middle School Principal
5.C. Elementary Principal
6. Superintendent's Report
6.A. Finance Report
6.B. Capital Improvements
6.C. District News
6.D. Latta Public Schools Safe Return and Continuity of Services Plan
7. Proposed executive session to discuss the possible employment of Jennifer Foster as a long-term substitute, the possible employment of a paraprofessional, the possible employment of Sara Mearns as a JOM tutor, all for the remainder of FY 25 and the possible revision to the contract of Stacy Oldenburg. 25 O.S. Section 307(B)(1)
8. Vote to return to open session
9. Executive session compliance statement
10. Vote to employ or not to employ Jennifer Foster as a long-term sub for the FY 25.
11. Vote to employ or not to employ a paraprofessional for the remainder of FY 25.
12. Vote to employ or not to employ Sara Mearns as a JOM tutor for the remainder of FY 25.
13. Vote to revise or not to revise the contract of Stacy Oldenburg.
14. Vote to approve or not approve the revised substitute teacher list for FY 25.
15. Discussion and possible action on a School Based Family Services Program contract with Oklahoma Human Services (OKDHS).
16. Consideration and possbile action concerning the Latta School Calendar for FY 26.
17. New Business: This item is limited to any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of the posting this Agenda [Okla. Stat.tit. 25, Section 311 (A) (9)].
18. Announcements
19. Adjournment