May 8, 2023 at 5:00 PM - Westville Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Salute and Moment of Silence
3. Open Forum - Comments from the floor. *The rules for this section are:
4. Consent Agenda: all of the following items which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at the board meeting will be approved by one vote, unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items:
4.A. Approval of the Minutes as follows:
4.B. Approval of the monthly financial report of Activity Funds
4.C. Approval of Treasurers Report on status of funds and Investments
4.D. Approval of the following:
4.E. Credit Card Review
4.F. Resignations-Cathy Cox, Elementary workroom secretary, James Wade, Teacher, Shadrach Tucker, JH Counselor, Tarin Hembree, 4th grade teacher, Justin Heck, bus driver, and Renae Price, Teacher Coach.
5. Principals Reports/ Asst. Superintendent/IT Report: Kellie Edwards, Yvonne Cummings, Kevin Yeager, Shelly Cooper and Ryan Swank, Asst. Superintendent/IT.
6. Superintendent's Report
7. Motion and vote to have and convene in an executive session to conduct on going evaluation of the Superintendent and for the purpose of discussing personnel issues. 25 O.S. ~ 307 (B) (1) Proposed executive session to conduct ongoing evaluation of the Superintendent and discuss personnel issues pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat § 307 (B) (1) and matters where disclosure of information would violate confidentiality requirement of state or federal Law pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. § (B)(7).
8. Motion and second to return to open session.
9. Executive Session Minutes Compliance Announcement.
10. Discussion and possible action to approve the employment contracts of 12-month employees for the 2023-24 school year as follows: Jack Crittenden, Maintenance Supervisor; Dale Clark, Bus Maintenance Supervisor; Tracy Beach, Tech Coordinator; Kindra Drummond, HS Secretary and Linda Scott, Special Services Secretary.
11. Discussion and possible action to approve or disapprove the 2023-24 Certified and Certified Temporary Contracted staff per recommendations and Exhibits A-B listing.
12. Discussion and possible action to approve or disapprove the 2023-24 support staff per recommendations and Exhibit C listing.
13. Discussion and possible action to approve or disapprove the 2023-24 Certified staff pending test results, per recommendations and Exhibits D listing.
14. Discussion and possible action to approve or disapprove the 2023-24 support staff pending test results, per recommendation and Exhibit E listing.
15. Discussion and possible action to approve the following reassignments for the 2023-24 school year: Ashley Davis from 21st CCLC Family Engagement Specialist to 4th grade teacher; Sunny Alves from 6th grade to STEM; Rhonda Phillips, Pre-K to 4th grade.
16. Discussion and possible action to approve Resolution for Schools and Libraries Universal Services (E-Rate) for 2023-24. This resolution authorized filing of the Form 471 application(s) for funding year 2023-24 and the payment of the applicant's share upon approval of funding and receipt of services.
17. Discussion and possible action to approve the Application for Temporary Appropriations for the 2023-24 school year.
18. Discussion and possible action to approve the contract for auditor Michael Green, CPA for the 2022-23 school audit.
19. Discussion and possible action to approve the "hours" method for the calendar for the 2023-24 school year.
20. Discussion and possible action to approve the OSSBA Comprehensive Employment Service Agreement for the 2023-24 school year.
21. Discussion and possible action to approve the resolution to transfer proceeds from the General Clearance and Driver's Education account to the General Fund account.
22. Discussion and action to approve the transfer of proceeds from the concession account to various Student Activity Clubs accounts.
23. Discussion and possible action to approve the various athletic camps for the summer.
24. Discussion and possible action to approve the Psychological/Psychometric Service Agreement with Richard Crawford for the 2023-24 school year.
25. Discussion and possible action to approve the Psychometric Service Agreement with Shirley Auffet for the 2023-24 school year.
26. Discussion and possible action to employ the following for the 2023-24 school year: Upper Elementary Teacher, Secondary Special Education Teacher, (2) Lower Elementary Teachers, Behavioral Health Specialist, Child Nutrition Director and (3) Paraprofessionals.
27. Discussion and possible action to approve 9th-12th credit recovery summer school to be held May 30-June 22.
28. Discussion and possible action to approve the renewal of the Fixed Price Food Service Management Contract with OPAA! Food Management of Oklahoma, LLC for the 2023-24 school year.
29. New Business
30. Adjournment