November 13, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Board Of Education Agenda- Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll call and call to order.
2. Invocation - Shawn Nunley, and Pledge of Allegiance - Jeff Milam.
3. Open meeting law statement as set forth in open meeting act title 25 OSA State Statute 301-314 and Oklahoma HB 2409 sections 301-307.
4. Recognitions - Sterling Star Awards
5. Discussion/Approval Items
5.1. Consent agenda: All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved, will be approved by one vote, unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items the consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items:
5.1.1. Approve minutes of the previous meetings.
5.1.2. Approve financial statements.
5.1.3. Approve transfers within activity account.
5.1.4. Approve purchase orders and warrants for the following funds: general, building, sinking, and any change order list.
5.1.5. Vote to approve the activity accounts.
5.1.6. Approve resignations.
5.2. Discussion and possible vote to approve policy CBBB as amended.
5.3. Discussion and possible vote to approve the Procurement Plan for the Child Nutrition Program for 2018-2019.
5.4. Discussion and possible vote to approve the school operational budget and Estimate of Needs for 2018-2019.
5.5. Discussion and possible vote to declare the 2001 International School Bus number 1 as surplus.
5.6. Discussion and possible vote to adopt policy COB-R.
5.7. Discussion and possible vote to approve the paraprofessional job description.
5.8. Discussion and possible vote to name the vendor for the purchase of outside security cameras.
6. Administrative reports.
6.1. Principal Reports
7. Superintendent report.
7.1. ACT scores and college Readiness
7.2. Grant Update - McMahon, Cotton Electric, TSET
7.3. Board Training Hours
7.4. Comanche Nation resurfacing school roads
8. New business.
9. Vote to adjourn