September 11, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Board Of Education Agenda- Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll call and call to order.
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Open meeting law statement as set forth in open meeting act title 25 OSA State Statute 301-314 and Oklahoma HB 2409 sections 301-307.
4. Recognitions -
5. Discussion/Approval Items
5.1. Consent agenda: All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved, will be approved by one vote, unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items the consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items:
5.1.1. Approve minutes of the previous meetings.
5.1.2. Approve financial statements.
5.1.3. Approve transfers within activity account.
5.1.4. Approve purchase orders and warrants for the following funds: general, building, sinking, and any change order list.
5.1.5. Vote to approve the activity accounts.
5.1.6. Approve resignations - Sheldon Thornton
5.1.7. Discussion and possible vote to approve the Healthy/Safe School Committee, the Gifted and talented Committee, the Reading Sufficiency Committee, the Title I Committee, and the Professional Development Committee for the 2018-2019 school year.
5.2. Discussion and Possible vote to approve policies FFACA, FFACA-E7, FFG, BEC, BAA, CFEA, EHDD, EHDD-R, EIED.
5.3. Discussion and possible vote to approve the Sterling All Sports Booster Financial Statement.
5.4. Discussion and possible vote to approve the Sterling Ag Booster Financial Statement.
5.5. Discussion and possible vote to approve the Psychometric Services Agreement between Elgin, Fletcher and Sterling Public Schools.
5.6. Discussion and possible vote to approve modifications or to rescind policy DED-R1.
5.7. Discussion and possible vote to approve the purchase of 70 iPads from the vendor elected.
5.8. Discussion and possible vote to approve the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education Notice of Allocation of State or federal Aid to Districts for FY 2019 and approve the Career and Technology Contract for the 2018-2019 school year.
5.9. Discussion and possible vote to approve the estimate of needs for 2018-2019.
5.10. Discussion and possible vote to approve the Gifted and talented Plan for 2018-2019.
5.11. Vote to convene into executive session to discuss policies pertaining to school security.
5.12. Acknowledge the return of the Board to open session and read the executive session compliance statement.
5.13. Discussion and possible vote to rescind Policies CLBCB-R1, CLBCB-F1, CLBCB-F2, CLBCB-F3, and to amend policy CLBCB
6. Administrative reports.
6.1. Principal Reports
7. Superintendent report - OSTP Scores
8. New business.
9. Vote to adjourn