April 10, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Board Of Education Agenda- Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll call and call to order.
2. Invocation Shawn Nunley, and Pledge of Allegiance, Kent Lemons.
3. Open meeting law statement as set forth in open meeting act title 25 OSA State Statute 301-314 and Oklahoma HB 2409 sections 301-307.
4. Recognitions - None for this meeting
5. Discussion/Approval Items
5.1. Consent agenda: All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved, will be approved by one vote, unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items the consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items:
5.1.1. Approve minutes of the previous meetings. Feb. 20, March 13, April 4
5.1.2. Approve financial statements.
5.1.3. Approve transfers within activity account.
5.1.4. Approve purchase orders and warrants for the following funds: general, building, sinking, and any change order list.
5.1.5. Vote to approve the activity accounts.
5.1.6. Approve resignations. None
5.2. Discussion and possible vote to employ Guy Heldermon as the vocational agriculture teacher for 2018-2019.
5.3. Vote to convene into executive session for the purpose of discussing the employment of certified teachers and support personnel for the 2018-2019 school year, and to discuss and possibly vote on issues pertaining to school security that are allowed to be decided in executive session.
5.4. Acknowledge the return of the Board to open session and read the executive session compliance statement.
5.5. Discussion and possible vote to approve/disapprove/table the employment of certified teachers and support staff listed for the 2018-2019 school year, and to direct the Superintendent to notify teachers or support personnel that have been recommended for non-reemployment and their right to a hearing.
Special Education paraprofessionals will be employed on a temporary non-continuing contract that is contingent on the need to provide paraprofessional services to special needs students for the 2018-2019 school year.
5.6. Vote to approve sending designated school employees to armed security guard training/reserve police officer training or to the required training that may be decided in the current legislative session and upon successful completion of required training to allow said employees to be allowed to carry a handgun on school premises in compliance with 21 O.S. Section 1280.1 and 70 O.S. Section 5-149.2. The identities of these employees will be maintained as confidential as per 51 O.S. Section 24A.28. The board hereby authorizes the administration to list the names of those employees approved in this item by the board and place said list in a confidential sealed envelope that will not be a public record.
5.7. Discussion and possible vote to approve the employment of a half-time math teacher (Brett Barrett), science teacher (Luther Woolbright), and a Title I director (Brenda Huitt)
5.8. Discussion and possible vote to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between Sterling Public Schools and Great Plains Technology Center to offer courses for academic credit for the 2018-2019 school year.
5.9. Discussion and possible to vote to approve the Title I School Wide Comprehensive Plan for 2018-2019.
5.10. Discussion and possible vote to approve the Parent Involvement Policy for 2018-2019.
5.11. Discussion and possible vote to approve the use of 1080 hours formula in lieu of 180 days for the 2018-2019 school year as outlined in HB1864.
5.12. Discussion and possible vote to approve open transfers presented.
5.13. Discussion and possible vote to employ Bailey Girone, Sydney Barrett, David Derrico, and Hadlee Milam as lifeguards for the 2018 season pending receipt of proper certification.
6. Administrative reports.
6.1. Principal Reports
7. Superintendent report - Teacher Walkout, Girls Locker Room
8. New business.
9. Vote to adjourn