August 14, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Call to order
Call roll to establish quorum
Approval of minutes for the July 2023 regular board meeting
Administrative Reports
1. Public Forum - (Limit fifteen (15) minutes this item, five (5) minutes per topic)
2. Board consideration and action on fund raisers and out of state trips, if presented.
3. Board consideration and action on any certified or non-certified resignations, or other personnel requests, if presented.
4. Discussion and possible vote to approve: Treasurer Report, encumbrances, change orders, payroll, Activity Fund Accounts and transfers in the Activity Fund.
5. Discussion, review, and action to accept the accreditation status of Fort Gibson Public Schools as assigned by the State Board of Education for the 2023-2024 school year.
6. Discussion and vote to approve the employment of the following individuals:
a) Jaimie Longan-Tiny Tigers Assistant b) Tori Olvera- Child Nutrition Clerk c) Mindy Culver- IE Reading Assistant d) Luciana Rodriguez- Paraprofessional e) Kayla Myers- Paraprofessional f) Julie Hicks- Paraprofessional g) Chad Firestone-Paraprofessional h) Alexia Williams- Paraprofessional |
7. Discussion on Negotiations between FTGEA and the Fort Gibson Board of Education.
8. Discussion and possible action to modify the Middle School Handbook to include policy language related to student late work.
9. Discussion and possible vote to adopt the Bus Driver Handbook for the 2023-2024 school year.
10. Discussion and possible vote to approve a contract with the Department of Career and Technology Education for secondary programs offered during the 2023-2024 school year.
11. Discussion and possible action to declare surplus property and commission the sale of items by sealed bid. Bids will be accepted until September 29th at 2:00 PM:
a) Three-point rotary mower b) Three-point aerator c) Lego Education spike prime sets used in Middle School Robotics |
12. Board consideration of any resignations; leave sharing, or personnel action, if presented.
13. Discussion and possible action to approve a contract with Educational Diagnostics and Consultation, Inc. for Psychological Services.
14. Discussion and possible action on naming the following employees as adjunct teachers in the following areas:
A) Cassandra Edwards- Art B) Tarah Alley- Biology, Oklahoma History, Government |