June 8, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call of members.
2. Vote to approve minutes of previous Special Virtual and Physical board meeting of May 11, 2020 and a Special Physical board meeting of May 27, 2020.
3. Vote to approve encumbrances (FY '20); payroll, general fund (70858-70872), coop fund (NONE), child nutrition fund (90105-90150); claims, general fund (1002-1036), coop fund (NONE), building fund (70) and child nutrition fund (84-86), .
4. Vote to approve warrants (FY '20); payroll, general fund (3931-4207), coop fund (626-665), child nutrition fund (NONE); claims, general fund (4208-4253), coop fund (NONE), building fund (74) and child nutrition fund (679-687).
5. Vote to approve activity fund reports.
6. Vote to approve activity fund sub-accounts, transfers, expenditure requests, andor interest designations.
7. Vote to approve activity fundraisers.
8. Public Comment (As outlined in Board Policy 2004).
9. Consider and vote to approve or not to approve a school insurance bid for the 2020-2021 school year (property, liability, vehicle, etc.).
10. Consider and vote to approve or not to approve a worker's compensation insurance bid for the 2020-2021 school year.
11. Board to consider and take action on a motion approving the renewal of the Sublease Agreement dated December 1, 2016 between the District and Pottawatomie County Facilities Authority for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021 as required under the provisions of the agreement.
12. Discussion and possible vote regarding guidelines/protocols for summer activities for our students/staff and all school related activities and facilities.
13. Board discussion and possible vote regarding the district planning for the 2020-2021 school year.
14. Consider and vote to approve the purchase of one or more of the following items for the district:
a. Chromebooks b. IPads c. Interactive white boards d. Projectors e. Wi-Fi extensions f. Technology and other equipment for the STEAM Center The purchase of these technology items would be through the use of the district's sales tax allocation administered through the Pottawatomie County Commissioners and the Pottawatomie County Clerk's office. |
15. Consider and vote to approve the utilization of the Half Cent Sales Tax allocation for the following items:
a. School Insurance b. Building Utilities The utilization of these funds for this purpose would be through the use of the district's sales tax allocation administered through the Pottawatomie county commissioners and the Pottawatomie County Clerk's office. |
16. Consider and vote to approve a contract with the 95 Percent Group for the use of their reading program as a part of our reading instruction at Tecumseh Early Childhood Center, Barnard Elementary and Cross Timbers Elementary for the 2020-2021 school year.
17. Consider and vote to approve a contract with Municipal Accounting Services Inc. to provide student information software for the 2020-2021 school year.
18. Consider and vote to approve a contract with ADPC to provide accounting software and services for the 2020-2021 school year.
19. Consider and vote to join the Oklahoma State School Boards Association for the 2020-2021 school year.
20. Consider and vote to approve a contract with the Oklahoma Public School Unemployment Compensation Trust Account for unemployment insurance for the 2020-2021 school year.
21. Consider and vote to approve a contract with the Center for Education Law for the 2020-2021 school year.
22. Consider and vote to approve a contract with the Center for Communication and Engagement for the 2020-2021 school year.
23. Consider and vote to approve a contract with the Department of Human Services to provide a school based social worker for the 2020-2021 school year.
24. Superintendent's Report.
25. Board Comments.
26. New Business.
27. Vote to adjourn or recess and reconvene.