July 13, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order.
2. Roll call of members.
3. Flag Salute, Moment of Silence, and Moment of silence.
4. Introduction of guests and public discussion by those who requested to speak to the board regarding any item on the agenda.
All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at board meetings, will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items: |
5.A. Minutes:
5.A.1. June 22, 2020 Regular Meeting
5.B. Financial reports:
5.B.1. Activity Accounts
5.B.2. Treasurer's Report
5.C. Encumbrances and changes as follows:
5.C.1. General Fund FY20: #1003-1653
5.C.1.a. General Fund (FY21) - #1107-1130; #50000-50037
5.C.2. Child Nutrition Fund FY20: #1-42
5.C.3. Child Nutrition FY 21: #1-25; #50000-50007
5.C.4. Bond Fund FY20: #78
5.C.5. Building Fund FY21: #1; #50000-50008
5.D. Fundraisers: NONE
5.E. Contracts:
5.E.1. SPED Services Contract for Randy Randelman for Psychological Testing Services; rescind the services contract previously approved with Mercy Mackey. (FY21)
5.E.2. Ryan Therapy Services - OT - FY21
6. Administrative reports:
6.A. Principal's Reports
6.B. Facilities and Operations Reports
6.C. Related Services Reports (food service, technology, student services)
6.D. Superintendent's Report
6.E. Budget Reports
7. Discussion and possible action to accept bids for Child Nutrition Program for bread, milk, and pizza.
8. Discussion and possible action to approve the surplus list from the Middle School Librarian.
9. Transfer of funds to Gift Fund 81 as follows:
a. $ from General Fund 11 to Gift Fund 81 b. $ from Endowment Fund to Gift Fund 81 c. $ from Activity Fund 60 to Gift Fund 81 |
10. Discussion and possible action on Policy Review and Updates.
10.A. Section E - Instruction
10.B. Section F - Students
10.C. Student Handbooks (2020-2021)
10.D. Recent updates from OSSBA Policy Services
10.E. Reopening of School Plans and Policies (2020-2021)
10.F. Request to the State Board of Education/SDE Accreditation Department for a Blended-Framework (In-person traditional and Virtual/Distance) Instructional Calendar; and/or the Days-to-Hours (1080 hours) formula if necessary, for 2020-2021. (Note: This request does not alter the current board approved instructional calendar for 2020-2021.)
11. Consider and take possible action regarding a proposal for LED lighting update from Oklahoma LED.
12. Discussion and possible action to approve the following specific assignments for 2020-2021:
Angie Turner - Encumbrance clerk Kala Miller - Treasurer Angela Yott - Activity Clerk, Deputy Encumbrance Clerk Ann Biddy - Payroll Clerk, Co-Custodian Activity Fund, Minutes Clerk, Deputy Treasurer Danielle Anson - Deputy Payroll Clerk, Deputy Minutes Clerk, District Website Clerk All School Sites - Receiving |
13. Discussion and possible to approve the following specific assignments for Bob Gragg for FY21: purchasing agent, authorized representative for all Federal Programs, custodian for the general fund, building fund, child nutrition fund, bond funds, sinking fund, activity fund, endowment fund, gifts fund, all state programs and all other school programs and activities not listed, district representative for Special Education programs, and district representative for donated foods for the breakfast and lunch programs.
14.A. Consider and take necessary action to convene in executive session.
14.B. Return of the board to open session and the board president's executive session statement.
15. Discussion and possible action to approve the following certified/non-certified personnel as listed below:
1. Elementary Teacher (Wilson Elementary), Aubree Minter, - temporary contract 2. Science Teacher (Middle School), William Harvey, - temporary contract 3. PK-12 Instructional Technology Coach, Matthew Todd Gragg 4. Custodian/Maintenance/Transportation, Matthew Scholz |
16. Discussion and possible action to accept the following resignations:
A. Rick Amos - School Resource Officer B. Joseph Blanchard - Title VI |
17. Consider and take necessary action to accept the certified results of the school board election held on February 09, 2020.
18. Annual organization of the officers of the board of education.
19. Adjourn