February 12, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order and Roll Call
2. Recognition of Visitors
3. Treasurer's Report - John Pratt
4. Consent Agenda
All the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at a board meeting, will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration and approval of the following items: |
4.A. Vote to approve Minutes of Regular Board Meeting 1/8/2025
4.B. Vote to approve the General Fund Encumbrances #276 to #290 with a total dollar value of $74,725.58
4.C. Vote to approve the Building Fund Encumbrances #30 to #33 with a total dollar value of $14,954.00
4.D. Vote to approve the Change Order Listings for General Fund
4.E. Vote to approve the Change Order Listings for Building Fund
4.F. Vote to approve the Change Order Listing for Bond Fund
4.G. Vote to approve the Expenditures of Appropriated Funds
4.G.1. Payroll for 1/15/25 & 1/30/25
4.G.1.a. Direct Deposit
4.G.1.b. Checks Issued
4.G.2. Other Expenditures
4.G.2.a. Vote to approve the General Fund
4.G.2.b. Vote to approve the Co-op Fund
4.G.2.c. Vote to approve the Building Fund
4.G.2.d. Vote to approve the Bond Fund
4.H. Vote to approve the Activity Fund Accounts Monthly Report
4.I. Vote to approve the updated substitute list
4.J. Vote to approve the Powerlifting Fundraiser
4.K. Vote to approve new Activity Fund Sub Account #885 Powerlifting
4.L. Vote to approve fund transfer of $4,604.00 from Athletics AF#801 to Powerlifting AF#885
4.M. Vote to approve fund transfer of $716.58 from Athletics AF#801 to Band Boosters AF#813
4.N. Vote to approve out of state travel for band students
4.O. Board discussion and possible action on Consent Agenda
5. Superintendent's Report
6. Board discussion and possible action regarding the policies recommended by the Oklahoma State School Board Association (O.S.S.B.A):
7. Board discussion and possible action on the following job descriptions
7.A. Administrative Assistant
7.B. Activity Fund Custodian
7.C. Child Nutrition Director
7.D. Payroll Clerk
7.E. Encumbrance Clerk
7.F. Secretary to Superintendent
7.G. Clerk of the Board
7.H. Minutes Clerk
8. Board discussion and possible action regarding resignations/retirement tendered since the last board meeting
8.A. Rachel Huggans
8.B. Bobby Ward
8.C. Melinda Alfred
8.D. Penny Whitehouse
8.E. Amber Wyatt
8.F. Tami Wilkins
9. Vote to convene or not to convene into proposed executive session as allowed by 25 O.S. Section 307 (B)(1) to discuss:
9.A. Employment of Principals for the 2025-26 school year
9.A.1. Kirk Moore
9.A.2. Martha Graham
9.A.3. Angela Green
9.A.4. Kristi Herd
9.A.5. Brenda Pyle
9.A.6. Chad Chronister
9.A.7. Drew Etheredge
9.B. Employment of Garvin County Cooperative & Special Education Director for the 2025-26 school year
9.C. Employment of Technology Director for 2025-26 school year
9.D. Employment of Plant Services Coordinator for the 2025-26 school year
9.E. Employment of Transportation Coordinator for the 2025-26 school year
10. Acknowledge return to open session
10.A. Executive Session Minutes Announcement
11. Vote to approve hiring, table or find that reasons may exist to nonrenew the employment of the listed principals for the 2025-26 school year
11.A. Kirk Moore
11.B. Martha Graham
11.C. Angela Green
11.D. Kristi Herd
11.E. Brenda Pyle
11.F. Chad Chronister
11.G. Drew Etheredge
12. Vote to approve hiring, table or find that reasons may exist to nonrenew the employment of the Garvin County Cooperative & Special Education Director for the 2025-26 school year
12.A. Elizabeth Sam
13. Vote to approve hiring, table or find that reasons may exist to nonrenew the employment of the Technology Director for the 2025-26 school year
13.A. Travis Thompson
14. Vote to approve hiring, table or find that reasons may exist to nonrenew the employment of the Plant Services Coordinator for the 2025-26 school year
14.A. Tim Williams
15. Vote to approve hiring, table or find that reasons may exist to nonrenew the employment of the Transportation Coordinator for the 2025-26 school year
15.A. Robert Etchison
16. Board discussion and possible action on the following position(s) on a temporary certified contract for the remainder of the 2024-25 school year
16.A. Jeanette Behne
17. Board discussion and possible action on the following position(s) on a temporary support contract for the remainder of the 2024-25 school year
17.A. Co-op Special Education Paraprofessional
17.B. Co-op Special Education Paraprofessional
18. Board discussion and possible action on the following positions on a temporary certified contract for the 2025-26 school year
18.A. High School/Junior High School Librarian
18.B. High School Head Football Coach/Classroom Teacher
19. New Business
20. Adjourn