January 13, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order and Roll Call
2. Recognition of Visitors
3. Recommend, discuss and vote to approve or disapprove the 2019-20 Audit Report presented by a representative from Angel, Johnston & Blasingame, P.C.
4. School Board Recognition
5. Treasurer's Report - John Pratt
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Minutes of Regular Board Meeting
6.B. General Fund Encumbrances #304-309
6.C. Co-op Fund Encumbrances #31-32
6.D. Change Order Listings for General Fund
6.E. Change Order Listings for Co-op Fund
6.F. Expenditures of Appropriated Funds
6.F.1. Payroll for 12/15/20 & 12/18/20
6.F.1.a. Direct Deposit
6.F.1.b. Checks Issued
6.F.2. Other Expenditures
6.F.2.a. General Fund
6.F.2.b. Co-op Fund
6.F.2.c. Building Fund
6.G. Activity Fund Accounts Monthly Report
6.H. Improvement Fund Requisitions
6.I. Vote to approve Consent Agenda
7. Discussion of Heat & Air System in the High School Auditorium
8. Discussion of ongoing bond projects
9. Recommend, discuss and vote to approve or disapprove the following resignation(s) tendered since the last board meeting
9.A. Keri Stanley
10. Recommend, discuss and vote to approve or disapprove the following position(s) on a temporary non-certified contract for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year
10.A. Special Education Paraprofessional
10.B. Elementary Secretary
11. Superintendent's Report
12. New Business
13. Adjourn and/or Recess