September 13, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call meeting to order
2. Roll call
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Treasurer's Report - John Pratt
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Minutes of Regular Board Meeting August 4, 2016
5.B. 2015-16 Gift/Scholarship Fund #81 Encumbrances #1-3
5.C. General Fund Encumbrances #271-312
5.D. Building Fund Encumbrances #17-21
5.E. Change Order Listings for General Fund
5.F. Change Order Listings for Building Fund
5.G. Change Order Listings for Child Nutrition Fund
5.H. Expenditures of Appropriated Funds
5.H.1. Payrolls for August 15 & 30, 2016; September 15, 2016
5.H.1.a. Direct Deposit
5.H.1.b. Checks issued
5.H.2. Other Expenditures - Checks issued August/September
5.H.2.a. 2015-16 Gift/Scholarship Fund #81
5.H.2.b. General Fund
5.H.2.c. Co-op Fund
5.H.2.d. Building Fund
5.H.2.e. Child Nutrition
5.H.2.f. Bond Fund #31
5.H.2.g. Casualty/Flood Ins. Recovery Fund
5.I. Activity Funds Accounts Monthly Report
5.J. Approve Transfer from the Senior Class 2016 #842 to High School Activity Account #833 for $1955.76.
5.K. Approve Expenditures by Function for all funds
5.L. Approve Contract with Alcohol and Drug Testing Inc (ADTI)
5.M. Approve Contracts
5.N. Substitutes
5.O. Fundraisers
5.P. Vote to approve Consent Agenda
6. Recommend, discuss and vote to approve or disapprove the Estimate of Needs and Publication Sheet for the 2016-17 school year.
7. Discussion and possible board action to sell real property located at Section 8, T3N R1E (N County Rd 3249) in accordance with requirements set forth at 70 O.S. Section 5-117.
8. Board discussion and possible action on updating the following policies as recommended by the OSSBA (Oklahoma State School Board Association)
8.A. EMG - Animals in Schools
8.B. FNCFD - Student Drug Testing Program Extracurricular Activities
8.C. FNCFD-E - Student Extracurricular Activities Contract
8.D. EIED - Graduation Requirements
9. Recommend, discuss and vote to approve or disapprove the resolution to co-op Junior High Baseball, Junior High Wrestling and Junior High Tennis with Whitebead School District for the 2016-17 school year.
10. Recommend, discuss and vote to approve or disapprove the following resignations tendered since the last board meeting
10.A. Dusty Norman (Sp Ed Paraprofessional Assistant)
11. Recommend, discuss and vote to approve or disapprove the following positions on a Temporary Non-Certified Contract for the 2016-17 school year
11.A. Special Education Paraprofessional Assistant
11.B. Special Education Paraprofessional Assistant
11.C. Junior High Cook/Dishwasher
11.D. JH Night Custodian
12. Discussion and possible action on district needs and future bond projects
13. Superintendent's Report
14. New Business
15. Adjourn and/or Recess