January 14, 2025 at 7:30 PM - Okarche Special Board Meeting
Agenda |
Call to order and record attendance.
Consideration and action on the minutes of the regular board meeting held on December 9, 2024.
Communication/Public Hearings
Administrative Reports and discussion
Elementary Principal - Chris Roby
JH/HS Principal - G.W. Parham
Superintendent - Josh Sumrall
Financial Report
Consideration and action on the following consent agenda items:
General Fund purchase orders : 411-434
Building Fund purchase orders : None
Child Nutrition purchase orders : None
Activity Fund report : Individual summaries attached
Activity Account transfer of funds : None
Child Nutrition report : None
Approve signatures on the checking accounts at First Bank of Okarche for: Superintendent, Superintendent's Secretary and Deputy Treasurer.
Opening sealed bids on a Teaching Greenhouse, and discussion and possible action on awarding a bid for a Teaching Greenhouse.
Discussion and possible action on funding for the 6th Grade annual trip to Camp Goddard.
Discussion and vote to convene into executive session to discuss an offer and/or purchase of a strip of property behind/directly west of the school-owned house and property at 201 N. 6th in Okarche, Oklahoma 73762, and the annual evaluation and contract of Superintendent. 25 O.S. Section 307(B)(1)(3).
Acknowledge return to open session and that no other items were discussed in executive session other than those outlined in the motion to convene.
Discussion and possible action on an offer and/or purchase of a strip of property located behind/directly west of the school-owned house and property at 201 N. 6th in Okarche, Oklahoma 73762.
Discussion and possible action on a plan for the school-owned house and property at 201 N. 6th in Okarche.
Discussion and possible action to amend/extend the contract of Superintendent of Okarche Public Schools.
Motion to adjourn