March 12, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call of Members
2. Record of Members Present and Absent
3. Board to Consider and Take Possible Action, in the Absence of the Board President and /or Board Clerk, to Appoint an Acting Board President and /or Board Clerk.
4. Approval of Michelle Collins as Minutes Clerk
5. Request to Address the Board
6. Consent Agenda: Discussion and Vote Items (6a - 6i) of the Consent Agenda
6.a. Approval of the 2/10/2025 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
6.b. Approval of Purchase Orders and Payments of Purchase Orders -FY 2025 General and Building Funds, Building and Transportation Bonds, All District Funds- Approval of Budgets, Reports, Allocations and Investments
6.c. Approval of the Activity Fund Fundraisers as Attached
6.d. Approval of the Updated Student Transfer Grade Level Capacity for School Website.
6.e. Approval of Contract with Frontline for FY 2025-2026
6.f. Approval of the Contract with Patten & Odom, CPAs, PLLC, for the audit of 2024-2025 financial statements.
6.g. Approval of Additional Compensation
6.h. Approval of out-of-state trip for chorus to attend the National ACDA conference in Dallas, TX from March 18-22, 2025.
6.i. Approval of the Amended 2024-2025 School Calendar
7. Board to Consider adoption of a Resolution approving a Ground Lease Agreement and a Lease/Purchase Agreement and authorizing the execution of the same; authorizing employment of School District Counsel, Financial Advisor and Bond Counsel pertaining to financing; and authorizing School District officials to execute any and all necessary documents in connection with the aforementioned transactions.
8. Board to consider and take action on a resolution determining the maturities of, and setting a date, time and place for the sale of the $2,580,000 Combined Purpose Building Bonds of this School District; and designating bond counsel for this issuance of bonds.
9. Building Site Reports
10. Directors Report
10.a. Kim Myers - Annual Cybersecurity Report
11. Superintendent's Report
12. Proposed executive session to discuss the employment of those employees listed on Consent Agenda Items (#17a - 17c); the Executive Directors, Directors, Principals, Assistant Principal, ESC Staff, and Continuing Certified Staff (#16) for the 2025-2026 School Year; and to perform the bi-monthly Superintendent Evaluation. Exhibit A. 25 O.S. Section 307(B)(1).
13. Vote to Convene in Executive Session
Time: |
14. Acknowledge Return of Board to Open Session
Time: |
15. Executive Session Minutes Compliance Announcement
16. Vote to Hire the Executive Directors, Directors, Principals, Assistant Principal, ESC Staff, and Continuing Certified Staff for the 2025-2026 School Year (as Attached)
17. Consent Agenda: Discussion and Vote Items (17a - 17c) of the Consent Agenda
17.a. Resignations for 2025-2026 School Year
17.a.I. Paula Caudill- CUE 5th Grade
17.a.II. Cindy Gipson- HE Para
17.a.III. Lenora McMullen- Indian Ed TA - ECC
17.a.IV. Dianna Miller- ECC- PreK TA
17.a.V. Kursha Ramirez-Tarver- CUE SPED
17.a.VI. Melissa Smith- ECC Pre-K
17.a.VII. Madison Vaughn- MS English
17.b. Reassignments for 2025-2026 School Year
17.b.I. Cara Burd- From Certified Teacher (ECC- Kdg) back to Support (ECC- TA).
17.b.II. Dawn Rush- from HE (2nd Gr) to MS (English)
17.c. Hirings for the 2025-2026 School Year
17.c.I. Stacy Richardson- ECC Kdg
18. Announcements
18.a. OSSBA Region 4 Meeting- Jenks (Math & Science 3rd Floor Presentation Hall)- 4/10/2025 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
19. Adjournment Time: