May 8, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Clinton Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call.
2. Consent Agenda:
All the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at a board meeting, will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items: |
2.a. Board approval of the minutes of the April 17th, 2023 regular meeting.
2.b. Board consideration and vote to pay general fund encumbrances #898-951
(accounts payable), #70965-70972 (payroll) totaling $186,239.80, child nutrition #53 (accounts payable) totaling$116,500.00, and building fund #8 totaling $147,007.56.
2.c. Board vote to accept financial reports (treasurer's reports, treasury summary, revenue receipts register, encumbrance ledger, warrants issued) and activity fund reports for the month of April.
2.d. Board vote to pay the May payroll according to contracts.
3. Principals Report
4. Superintendent's Report
5. Board discussion and possible vote to approve the Temporary Appropriations for 2023-2024 school year.
6. Board discussion and possible vote to approve agreement with OSSBA Employment Services.
7. Board discussion and possible vote to approve the 2023-2024 contract with OPAA! Food Management Inc.
8. Board discussion and possible action to approve the following Math and Science courses taught at the Technology Center for the 23-24 school year. Algebra II, Algebra III, Geometry, Chemistry, Calculus, AP Biology, PLTW Principles of Biomedical Sciences, PLTW Human Body Systems, PLTW Biomedical Innovations, PLTW Medical Interventions, PLTW Introduction to Engineering Design, PLTW Principles of Engineering, PLTW Engineering & Design and Development, PLTW Aerospace Engineering, Robotics Engineering, Concurrent College Algebra, AP Calculus AB (Teach out in 23-24), and Concurrent College Chemistry (Teach out in 23-24
9. Board discussion and possible action to approve Kylee Chapman (Sayre Health Careers Instructor) and Linda Badillo (Burns Flat Health Careers Instructor) to serve as adjunct instructors offering Anatomy and/or Physiology credit to Health Careers students. Upon approval, WTC will complete all required SDE paperwork and required fees. Grades will be continue to be sent as usual.
10. Board discussion and possible action to declare items as surplus.(Attachment A)
11. Board discussion and possible vote to hire certified and support personnel for the 2023 summer session as listed in Attachment B.
12. Board discussion and possible action to amend the 2022-2023 and the 2023-2024 superintendent's contract.
13. Board discussion and possible action to approve fundraisers.
14. New Business
15. Board discussion and possible vote to approve going into executive session pursuant to Title 25 Section 307(B)(1).
15.a. Discussion and possible action to hire a librarian assistant.
15.b. Discussion on hiring support workers for 2023 summer session.
15.c. Discussion on hiring a certified teacher on a temporary contract for the 2023-2024 school year.
15.d. Discussion on hiring a discretionary assistant.
16. Acknowledge the return from executive session and enter into open session with the reading of the executive session statement.
17. Board vote to hire a librarian assistant.
18. Board vote to hire support workers for 2023 summer session.
19. Board vote to hire a certified teacher on a temporary contract for the 2023-2024 school year.
20. Board vote to hire a discretionary assistant.
21. Adjourn.