April 6, 2023 at 5:00 PM - Clinton Board of Education Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call.
2. Board consideration and vote to re-organize the board as required by law to elect a president, a vice president and a clerk.
3. Possible consideration and vote to approve Financial Advisory Services contract with BOK Financial Securities, Inc.
4. Discuss, consider, and act or disapprove a Resolution authorizing the sale of the District's General Obligation Building Bonds, Federally Taxable Series 2023, and setting forth the following items:
A. Fixing the time and place the bonds are to be sold; B. Fixing the amount of bonds to mature each year; C. Authorizing the Clerk to give notice of said sale as required by law.
5. Possible consideration and vote to approve the selection of The Public Finance Law Group PLLC to act as legal/bond counsel in connection with the proposed General Obligation Bonds.
6. Adjourn.