November 16, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call.
2. Board approval of the minutes of the October 10, 2016 regular meeting.
3. Board consideration and vote to pay General Fund encumbrances #484-537(accounts payable), #70444(payroll), Child Nutrition encumbrances #27-30(accounts payable), #70034 (payroll), and Building fund #15-16.
4. Board vote to accept financial reports (treasurer's reports, treasury summary, revenue receipts register, encumbrance ledgers, warrants issued) and activity fund reports for the month of October.
5. Board vote to pay the November payroll according to contracts.
6. Principals' Reports.
7. Superintendent's Report.
8. Board consideration and vote to approve the 2017 calendar year regular school board meeting schedule.
9. Board discussion and possible vote to approve OSRMT insurance quote.
10. Board discussion and possible vote to approve sick leave sharing for Susie Bogle.
11. Board discussion and possible vote to approve sick leave sharing for Kayla Calvert Barnett.
12. Board discussion and possible action to amend employment contract of Ana Raimerez.
13. Board vote on hiring a cafeteria worker.
14. New Business.
15. Adjourn.