August 15, 2011 at 7:30 PM - August 2011 Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and Roll Call
2. Board approval of the minutes of the July 11, 2011 regular meeting.
3. Board vote to pay General Fund encumbrances#146-219(accounts payable)and #70002-70102(payroll); Child Nutrition encumbrances#18-27(accounts payable) and #70001-70012(payroll); Building Fund encumbrances# 3-6(accounts payable); Coop Fund encumbrances #8-17(accounts payable)
4. Board vote to accept financial reports and activity fund reports for the month of July
Treasurer's report; treasury summary; revenue receipt register; encumbrance ledgers; warrants issued.
5. Board vote to pay the August payrolls according to contracts.
6. Administration Report:
7. Board vote on changes to the 2011-2012 school calendar and a resolution approving the length of school year calculated by hours.
8. Board vote on protecting 2011 -2012 Oklahoma Testing Dates from extra-curricular activities (except OSSAA sanctioned playoffs and events)
9. Board vote to award bread, milk and juice bids for 2011-2012.
10. Board vote to change the price of lunch for adults.
11. Board vote on Western Technology courses for credit at the high school.sss
12. Board vote to approve the FY 2011-2012 Western Technology Transportation Contract
13. Board vote to approve the CHS Spirit Chain fundraiser.
14. New Business:
15. Board vote to go into executive session to discuss the following for employment, hiring and resignations as allowed by 25 O.S. 307(B)(1)of Oklahoma Open Meeting Law:
A. Resignation to date [O.S. title 25, section 307(b)(1)]:
B. Employment of the following positions: [O.S. title 25, section 307(b)(1)]: NES Custodian, NES First Grade Teacher, NES Pre-K Assistant, WES Math/Reading Teacher Assistant, WES Part-time Art Teacher, CMS Teacher Assistant, CMS Math Teacher, Bus Drivers, School Based Social Worker, SES 2nd Grade Teacher(s), SES Assistant, WES Band Teacher, CHS Ag Teacher CHS Attendance Secretary |
16. Vote to return to open session and executive session statement.
17. Board action on executive session items.
18. Vote to Adjournment at __________ p.m.