January 4, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order of members present
2. Hearing of the Public
3. Superintendent's Report:
3.A. Michael Goddard, VP/Branch Manager with Bank of Kremlin, to present benefits of investing idle funds through a sweep account.
3.B. Discussion and possible vote to approve investing Chisholm Public School funds (allocated and activity) in sweep accounts with the Bank of Kremlin.
3.C. Discussion and report of CPS bond payments.
3.D. District Financial Report
3.E. Discussion and possible vote to approve replacing the CHS weight room heater.
3.F. Discussion and possible vote to approve a quote from Brett Klemme to replace the lighting and update trophy cases at the entrance to the CHS gym.
3.G. Discussion and possible vote to approve the 2023-2024 school calendar and the designation that the calendar is calculated based on hours to meet state law.
3.H. Discussion of current enrollment numbers and discussion and possible vote on CPS capacity numbers.
3.I. Discussion and possible vote to approve a CPS bus idling policy.
3.J. Discussion and possible vote to approve leasing the 35 acres of land at the high school to Rod Jones for $65/acre totalling $2,275.00 for 2023.
3.K. Principals' Reports
4. Consent Agenda: All of the following items which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at board meetings will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items:
4.A. Minutes of the regular meeting of December 7, 2022
4.B. Review Activity Fund Reports.
4.C. Agenda posted as prescribed by law.
4.D. Financials
General Fund Encumbrance Register PO# 601-613 Building Fund Encumbrance Register PO#131-151 |
5. Business Items:
5.A. Discussion and possible vote to approve a CHS Baseball No Fuss Fundraiser for the 2022-2023 school year.
5.B. Proposed Executive Session to discuss, and after returning to open session, take possible action on the proposed items pursuant to 25 O.S. §307(B)(1). Discussion of the following matter is proposed:
1. Conduct ongoing evaluation of the Superintendent: a. TLA (Teaching, Learning, and Assessment) b. Finance 2. The addition of one year to the employment contract of the Superintendent |
5.C. Vote to convene in Executive Session.
5.D. Return to Open Session.
5.E. Executive Session compliance announcement
5.F. Vote to approve the addition of one year to the employment contract of Dr. Dudley Darrow, Superintendent.
6. New Business
7. Adjourn Meeting