October 6, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order of members present
2. Motion to approve the 2021-2022 Estimate of Needs and Financial Statement of the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2021.
3. Hearing of the Public
4. Consent Agenda: All of the following items which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at board meetings will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items:
4.A. Minutes of the regular meeting of September 1, 2021
4.B. Review Activity Fund Reports.
4.C. Invest Idle Funds.
4.D. Agenda posted as prescribed by law
4.E. ↵Financials:
General Fund (11): PO #459-496
Building Fund (21): PO#77-97
Change Orders: (11) PO# 344, 361, 431, 441, 459 Change Orders: (21) PO#13,49,54,64 |
5. Business Items:
5.A. Administration Reports
5.B. Vote to approve a Resolution calling for Board Seat #2 primary election to be held February 8, 2022, with the general election to be held on April 5, 2022.
5.C. Discussion and possible vote to adopt the OSSBA Superintendent Evaluation Instrument.
5.D. Discussion of the following policies:
1. Student Transfers 2. Seizure-Safe Schools 3. Bids and Quotations 4. Extracurricular Activities Emergency Medical Services 5. Evaluation of Emergency Action Plan |
5.E. Discussion and vote to acknowledge receipt of the FY20 Student Dropout Report and ACT Student Remediation Report.
5.F. Vote to approve the transfer of funds from CES Fundraiser Account #811 to CES Miscellaneous Account #807 in the amount of $5,000.00.
5.G. Notification of resignations as approved by the Superintendent.
5.H. Motion to offer employment to the following for the 2021-2022 school year:
1. Lacy Chrisman - CES Paraprofessional 2. Jade Potts - CES Paraprofessional 3. Mercedes Ochoa - CES Custodian |
5.I. Proposed Executive Session to discuss and, after returning to open session, take possible action on the proposed items. 25 O.S. §307 (B)(3) Discussion of the following matter is proposed:
1. Approval of the purchase contract on the following real property: NE/4 SE/4 Section 15, T23N, R7W, Garfield County |
5.J. Vote to convene in Executive Session.
5.K. Return to Open Session.
5.L. Executive Session minutes compliance announcement.
5.M. Possible vote to approve the purchase contract on the following real property: NE/4 SE/4 Section 15, T23N, R7W, Garfield County.
6. New Business
7. Adjourn Meeting