June 3, 2024 at 5:15 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call to order
Roll Call
Consent Agenda
1. Approve the minutes of the regular board meeting of May 6, 2024
2. Approve the minutes of the special board meeting of May 14, 2024
3. Approve the monthly financial reports of activity funds
Action Agenda Items
1. Discuss and possible action on the renewal of the sublease agreement dated July 1, 2022 between the district and Murray County Educational Facilities Authority for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025 as required under the provisions of the agreement.
2. Discuss the financial reports prepared by Mr. David Harp, school treasurer
3. Superintendents report
4. Discuss and possible action on encumbrances and change orders
5. Athletic Director’s report
6. Principal reports
7. Discuss and possible action on opening up an acitivity account for Disaster Relief funds (879)
8. Discuss and possible action on the 2024-2025 insurance proposal for property, liability (all), inland marine, crime, and automobile
9. Discuss and possible action on the workers compensation proposal for the 2024-2025 school year for Oklahoma School Assurance Group (OSAG)
10. Approve Matt Holder, Superintendent, of Schools and/or his designee as the authorized representative for all state and federal programs including Title I, Title IIA, Title III, Title IV, Title V, Rural Low Income Schools, Title VI (Indian Ed), Title VII, Title VII (Impact Aid), Title IX, Title X, JOM, Civil Rights Officer, Disabilities Education Act Section 504, IDEA, FEMA, FERPA, Vocational (Career tech and Carl Perkins), CARES act, Alternative Education, Community Education, Child Nutrition programs, Reading Sufficiency, Professional Development, E-rate funding, and all other school programs and activities not listed for the 2024-2025 school year
11. Approve Matt Holder as purchasing officer with a $2,500.00 limit on purchases and a 20% change order limitation up to $500.00
12. Discuss and possible action on a contract with OPPA
13. Discuss and possible action on the contract with ADTI for drug testing
14. Discuss and possible action on a contract with Pecan Grove for the 2024-2025 school year for Physical Therapy
15. Discuss and possible action on convening into Executive Session pursuant to [Title 25 O.S. § 307 (B) (1)] for the purpose of accepting the resignation of Stephanie Rogers, the resignation of Tessa Todd, the employment of Sharon Bratcher, the employment of Jalyn Flowers, the employment of Jordan Ward for summer school, ongoing superintendent evaluation, and discuss the superintendent contract
16. Acknowledge returning from Executive Session with no action taken in Executive Session
17. Discuss and possible action on the resignation of Stephanie Rogers
18. Discuss and possible action on the resignation of Tessa Todd
19. Discuss and possible action on the employment of Sharon Bratcher
20. Discuss and possible action on the employment of Jalyn Flowers
21. Discuss and possible action on the employment of Jordan Ward for Summer School
22. New Business
Vote to Adjourn
If you desire to attend a meeting of the Board of Education but require accessible facilities, please contact the Superintendent, 1021 West 9th Street, Sulphur, OK 73086. Telephone (580) 622-2061