April 3, 2023 at 5:15 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call to order
Roll Call
Consent Agenda
1. Approve the minutes of the March 6, 2023 regular board meeting
2. Approve the monthly financial reports of activity funds
Action Agenda Items
1. Discuss the financial reports prepared by Mr. David Harp, school treasurer
2. Superintendents report
3. Discuss and possible action on encumbrances and change orders
4. Athletic Director’s report
5. Principal reports
6. Possible consideration and vote to approve Financial Advisory Services Contract with BOK Financial Securities, Inc.
7. Discuss, consider, and act or disapprove a Resolution authorizing the sale of the District's General Obligation Building Bonds, Federally Taxable Series 2023, and setting forth the following items:
A. Fixing the time and place the bonds are to be sold; B. Fixing the amount of bonds to mature each year; C. Authorizing the Clerk to give notice of said sale as required by law. |
8. Board to consider and take action on the employment of the Kiser Law Firm PLLC as bond counsel to the District in association with the proposed issuance of general obligation bonds.
9. Discuss and possible action on a kindergarten trip to Frank Buck Zoo in Gainesville, TX on April 27, 2023
10. Discuss and possible action on HS Vo-Ag making a trip to Tyler, TX in April to pick up plants
11. Discuss and possible action to review and update class size capacities
12. Discuss and possible action on adding Joel Drake to the substitute list
13. Discuss and possible action on Weaver Drug Testing contract for students for the 2023-2024 school year
14. Discuss and possible action on convening into Executive Session pursuant to [Title 25 O.S. § 307 (B) (1)] for the purpose of accepting the resignation of Rene Kozar, the resignation of Mikayla Freeze, the resignation of Heather Reed, the resignation of Jill Robinson, the resignation of Amy Villafranco, the resignation of Brenda Tavares, the resignation of Kelsey McDonald, the employment of Jamie McGrew as SES teacher, the employment of Jordan Eaton as HS Band Director and to conduct ongoing evaluation of the superintendent
15. Acknowledge returning from Executive Session with no action taken in Executive Session
16. Discuss and possible action on the resignation of Rene Kozar
17. Discuss and possible action on the resignation of Mikayla Freeze
18. Discuss and possible action on the resignation of Jill Robinson
19. Discuss and possible action on the resignation of Heather Reed
20. Discuss and possible action on the resignation of Amy Villafranco
21. Discuss and possible action on the resignation of Brenda Tavares
22. Discuss and possible action on the resignation of Kelsey McDonald
23. Discuss and possible action on the employment of Jamie McGrew
24. Discuss and possible action on the employment of Jordan Eaton
25. New Business
Vote to Adjourn
If you desire to attend a meeting of the Board of Education but require accessible facilities, please contact the Superintendent, 1021 West 9th Street, Sulphur, OK 73086. Telephone (580) 622-2061