January 10, 2022 at 5:15 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call to order
Roll Call
Consent Agenda
1. Approve the minutes of the Regular board meeting of December 6, 2021
2. Approve the monthly financial reports of activity funds
Action Agenda Items
1. Discuss the financial reports prepared by Mr. David Harp, school treasurer
2. Superintendents report
3. Discuss and possible action on encumbrances and change orders
4. Athletic Director’s report
5. Principal reports
6. Discuss and possible action on adding Kimberlie Mann, Bob Uhles, and Whitnie McKinley to the substitute list
7. Discuss and possible action on declaring 315 computer monitors as surplus to be recycled
8. Discuss updated board policies from the OSSBA
9. Discuss and possible action on convening into Executive Session pursuant to [Title 25 O.S. § 307 (B) (1)] for the purpose to conduct ongoing evaluation of the Superintendent, employment of Matt Holder as Superintendent for the 2022-2023 school year
10. Acknowledge returning from Executive Session with no action taken in Executive Session
11. Discuss and possible action on the employment of Matt Holder as Superintendent for the 2022-2023 school year
12. New Business
Vote to Adjourn
If you desire to attend a meeting of the Board of Education but require accessible facilities, please contact the Superintendent, 1021 West 9th Street, Sulphur, OK 73086. Telephone (580) 622-2061