March 10, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Locust Grove Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call meeting to order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Open Forum, Public Comment or Indian Education Comments/Concerns
4. Superintendent Report/Recognitions
5. Consent Agenda
All of the items, which consist of a routine nature normally approved at Board meetings, will be approved by one vote unless any Board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration and approval of the following items: |
5.a. Minutes of Regular Board Meeting, February 17, 2025
5.b. Treasurer/Financial Report
5.c. Approve General Fund Encumbrances # 393 to 414
5.d. Activity Fund Report for February, 2025
6. Discussion and possible action to approve Ag barn construction utility change order bids
7. Discussion and possible action to accept bid for the asphalt materials for the Middle School Teacher's parking lot
8. Discussion and possible action to accept bid for metal siding for the indoor facility (old ELC gym)
9. Discussion and possible action to review and/or amend transfer capacity on student transfers according to board policy FE Student Transfers
10. Discussion and possible action to approve Elementary, Middle School and High School archery teams to compete at the National Archery Tournament in Louisville, Kentucky, May 8th-11th, 2025
11. Presentation of 2023-2024 audit results via teleconference by a representative from Kerry Patten's office
12. Take action to approve the FY24 audit exit report as presented via teleconference by a representative from Kerry Patten's office
13. Discussion and possible action to approve contract with Patten & Odom, CPAs, PLLC for 2025-2026
14. Proposed executive session for the purpose of discussing employment of Shane Holman, Early Learning Center Principal, Alisa Cox, Upper Elementary Principal, Tamatha Ogilvie, Middle School Principal, Les Kern, Assistant High School Principal, accept retirement resignations a. thru e. (a.) Sharon Leach, (b.) Dianna Stokes, (c.) Esther Diane Coolidge, (d.) Lily Davis, (e.) Elizabeth Johnson, accept resignations a. thru c. (a.) Nancy Neff, (b.) Marcella Hofschulte and (c.) Lycrecia Atkins, approve request for sick days for Lily Davis and Tonya Daniels, approve extra duty contracts for Lori Ragsdale, Julie Atchley, Matt Tramel and Terry Martin, and approve employment of coaching list for 2025-2026 pursuant to Oklahoma Statute 25 Section 307 (B)(1)
a. Vote to convene into executive session b. Acknowledge return to open session c. Statement of executive session minutes |
15. Take action to employ Shane Holman, Early Learning Center Principal for 2025-2026
16. Take action to employ Alisa Cox, Upper Elementary Principal for 2025-2026
17. Take action to employ Tamatha Ogilvie, Middle School Principal for 2025-2026
18. Take action to employ Les Kern, Assistant High School Principal for 2025-2026
19. Take action to approve retirement resignations for a. thru e.:
a. Sharon Leach b. Dianna Stokes c. Esther Diane Coolidge d. Lily Davis e. Elizabeth Johnson |
20. Take action to accept resignations a. thru c.:
a. Nancy Neff b. Marcella Hofschulte c. Lycrecia Atkins |
21. Take action to approve request for sick days for Lily Davis
22. Take action to approve request for sick days for Tonya Daniels
23. Take action to approve extra duty contract for Lori Ragsdale
24. Take action to approve extra duty contract for Julie Atchley
25. Take action to approve extra duty contract for Matt Tramel
26. Take action to approve extra duty contract for Terry Martin
27. New Business and action, if needed
28. Adjournment