March 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Opening Exercises:
I.A. Call to Order and roll-call recording of members present and absent
I.B. Moment of Silence
I.C. Flag Salute
II. Consent Agenda
All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at a board meeting, will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items: |
II.A. Approval of the agenda
II.B. Vote to approve Minutes of the following Board meetings:
1. February 10, 2025
II.C. Vote to approve the following items:
II.C.1. Monthly Financial and Investment Report for month ending February 28, 2025:
II.C.1.a. Treasurer’s Report
II.C.1.b. Encumbrances
II.C.1.c. Warrant Register
II.C.1.d. Lease Revenue
II.C.2. School Activity Funds
a. Transfers Within Bank b. New Accounts c. Addenda
II.C.3. Vote to approve Blanket Position Salary Reserves Report for FY 2024-2025.
II.D. Vote to approve the Sudden Emergency Response plans for the elementary schools to remain in compliance with state accreditation standards.
II.E. Vote to approve out-of-state or overnight travel requests:
1. Timothy Thomas and MCHS Track and Field Team to travel to Pittsburgh State University in Pittsburgh, KS on April 3-5, 2025 to compete in the Pitt State Track and Field Meet 2025. Expenses to be paid by Activity Fund 865-Athletics. 2. Revise travel request approved in December to add Simon Gallagher and Sandi Teel as sponsors to travel to Tulsa, OK on March 2-5, 2025. Expenses to be paid by General Fund 12, Project 032-MDTC CoOp, Fund 65, Project 943-BPA, Project 826-Gen Activity, Project 845-Vending, Personal Funds, and Donations. Confirmation 3. Pat Watkins, Gussie Miller, and Tena Holmes, Destiny Christian School, to travel to Salt Lake City, UT on June 22-26, 2025 to attend Elevate '25. Expenses to be paid by Title II, Project 541. 4. Steve Gilliland, Kristy Cooper, Danielle Taylor, Phillip Crawford, and Tyrell Johnson, Del City High School, to travel to San Diego, CA on June 27-30, 2025 to attend Jostens Renaissance Global Conference. Expenses to be paid by Title I, Project 511. 5. John Herbert and CAHS Boys Golf to travel to Muskogee, OK on May 12-13, 2025 to participate in OSSAA State Tournament. Expenses to be paid by Activity Fund 907-Boys Golf. 6. MSgt Alexander Means, MCHS, and Sandi Teel, MDTC, and MCHS CyberPatriot Team to travel to Rockville, MD on March 14-18, 2025 to compete for the CyberPatriot National Championship. Expenses to be paid by General Fund 12, Project 032-MDTC CoOp and AFJROTC HQ through the US Air Force. 7. Joanna Brown, Liliana Graham, Cynthia Morris, Audrey Caughlin, Deangelo Irvin, Mckinzie Manning, Heather Roe, Del City Elementary, to travel to Woodbury, MN to attend Conscious Discipline Institute on June 22-27, 2025. Expenses to be paid by School Support, Project Code 515.
III. Recognitions
Administration - Ms. Lacey Brown 2025 Mid-Del Teacher of the Year - Ms. Makensie Fields, Parkview Elementary Carl Albert Middle School - Ms. Darcy Budde 2024-2025 CAMS Pom Squad - Tuesday Tibbs, Head Coach Dance Team Union Regionals 1st place in all 3 dances "Be Bold" award for Jazz routine Oklahoma State Dance Championship Jazz Performance - State Champions Team Performance - State Champions Hip-Hop Performance - State Runner-Up |
IV. Information
IV.A. Public Participation
Persons who address the Board during the public participation portion of the regular Board meeting must meet the following qualifications:
IV.B. Superintendent’s Report - Dr. Cobb
IV.C. Academic Accolades - Dr. Broiles
Del City Middle School - Ms. Mary Styers Cleveland Bailey Elementary - Ms. Ginger York |
V. Vote to approve or not approve agreement with Gro Development, LLC for design services for the new Midwest City YMCA. Costs to Mid-Del not to exceed $35,000.00 and will be paid from the Building Fund and/or the General Fund.- Dr. Cobb
VI. Discussion and possible Board action on revision of Policy I-32 - Prohibition of Race and Sex Discrimination in Curriculum and Complaint Process.- Dr. Broiles
VII. Vote to approve or not approve an MOA between the United States Navy and Del City High School.- Ms. Gilkey
VIII. Vote to approve or not approve a MOU between Mid-Del Schools and Mid-Del Technology Center.- Ms. Bryant
IX. Vote to approve or not approve a recommendation from the Internal Activities Review Committee to allow a maximum of five additional activity absences for students.- Mr. Collier
X. Vote to approve or not approve the revision of Policy C-31, Wellness Policy.- Ms. Manns
XI. Vote to approve or not approve the Mid-Del Extended School Year (ESY) Program for the summer of 2025.- Ms. Wilson
XII. Vote to approve or not approve to declare an emergency under the Oklahoma Competitive Bidding Act, due to the recent vandalism of (15) fifteen outside air conditioning units at Epperly Elementary. All units were stripped of copper, making it necessary to replace both condensers and coils on most of the units affected. With seasonal warming and supply chain constraints, ordering parts and materials for repairing these units has been assigned the highest priority.- Mr. Wolfe
XIII. Vote to approve or not approve Critical Response Group, Inc for procurement of an integrated indoor/outdoor site mapping product as part of the "District-wide Safety & Security Improvements" project at all sites. Critical Response Group, Inc is the sole source provider of the work-flow/graphics product, Geo Relevant Collaborative Response Graphics, which enables the generation of standardized, site-specific, and geo-rectified critical incident mapping for use in planning and coordinating public safety responses to emergency events/scenarios. Total cost of the project is $82,040.00, including year one (1) site visits, updates, and maintenance service to ensure complete and accurate implementation of the product. TIPS Contract #230202. Expenditure to be paid by Bond 37, Project 055.- Mr. Wolfe
XIV. Vote to approve or not approve GMP Amendment No.19 to the Willowbrook, Inc. construction management contract, as well as architect/engineer fees on the following Bond Fund 37 (LR09) construction project - "Midwest City High School Classroom & Storm Shelter Addition"
Willowbrook = (GMP Amount) $11,261,080.20 + (Pre-con Fee Total) $84,458.10 = (GT) $11,345,538.30 MA+ Architecture = (GMP X 7%) = $788,275.61 GMP + Pre-Con + Architecture Fees = (GT) $12,133,813.91 Expenditures to be paid by Bond 37 and/or Lease Revenue 09.- Mr. Wolfe
XV. Vote to approve or not approve GMP Amendment No.20 to the Willowbrook, Inc. construction management contract, as well as architect/engineer fees on the following Bond Fund 37 (LR09) construction project - "Carl Albert Middle School Classroom Addition & Bridge"
Willowbrook = (GMP Amount) $5,058,398.09 + (Pre-Con Fee Total) $37,937.99 = (GT) $5,096,336.08 Larson Design Group = (GMP x 6.25%) = $316,149.88 GMP + Pre-Con + Architect Fees = (GT) $5,412,485.96 Expenditures to be paid from Bond 37 and/or Lease Revenue 09.- Mr. Wolfe
XVI. Vote to approve or not approve GMP Amendment No.21 to the Willowbrook, Inc. construction management contract, as well as architect/engineer fees on the following Bond Fund 37 (LR09) construction project - "Carl Albert High School Athletic Upgrades"
Willowbrook = (GMP Amount) $7,006,925.84 + (Pre-Con Fee Total) $52,551.94 = (GT) $7,059.477.78 Larson Design Group = (GMP x 6%) $420,415.55 GMP + Pre-Con + Architect Fees = (GT) $7,479,893.33 Expenditures to be paid by Bond Fund 37 and/or Lease Revenue 09.- Mr. Wolfe
XVII. Vote to approve or not approve Hoidale Co. to furnish and install new fuel pump station packages, including new PIN-entry Fuel Management Systems (FMS) and cloud-based software, at the Maintenance and Transportation Depts. Bid Project #2511. Total cost of project is $87,654.92. Expenditure to be paid from General Fund 11.- Mr. Wolfe
XVIII. Human Resources
XVIII.A. Vote to approve or not approve all actions recommended in the Human Resources Reports: - Ms. Huston
XVIII.B. Vote to approve or not approve Kodie Binswanger as a certified adjunct teaching outside current certification area.- Ms. Huston
XIX. New Business
Item(s) that could not have been foreseen or known about at the time the agenda was posted which need action at this Board meeting. |
XX. Adjourn
This agenda was posted at the Board of Education Center, 7217 S.E. 15th Street, Midwest City, Oklahoma, on March 6, 2025, at 3:00 PM, in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. The next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for April 14, 2025. |