November 14, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Opening Exercises:
I.A. Call to Order and roll-call recording of members present and absent
I.B. Flag Salute
II. Consent Agenda
All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at a board meeting, will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items: |
II.A. Approval of the agenda
II.B. Vote to approve Minutes of the following Board meeting:
II.B.1. October 10, 2022, Regular Board Meeting
II.C. Vote to approve the following items:
II.C.1. Monthly Financial and Investment Report for month ending October 31, 2022:
II.C.1.a. Treasurer’s Report
II.C.1.b. Encumbrances
II.C.1.c. Warrant Register
II.C.1.d. Lease Revenue
II.C.2. School Activity Funds
II.C.2.a. Transfers within Bank
II.C.2.b. Addenda
II.C.3. Vote to approve Blanket Position Salary Reserves Report for FY 2022-2023.
II.D. Revision of the 2022-2023 Student Discipline Committee.
II.E. Vote to approve renewal of 403(B) Third Party Administrator, The OMNI Group, for CY 2023.
II.F. Vote to approve 2022-2023 Sanctioning from School Activity Funds for the following: Ridgecrest PTO, CAMS Band, CAHS Band, CAHS FFA, CAHS Football (Quarterback), CAHS Girls Golf, CAHS Tip In (Boys Basketball), CAHS Track, DCHS Girls and Boys Basketball, DCHS Choral, DCHS Wrestling, MCHS Tip In (Boys Basketball), MCHS Quarterback Club (Football) and Mid-Del Botball.
II.G. Vote to approve out-of-state or overnight travel requests:
1. Midwest City High School Band, Jazz Band and Orchestra to perform in Memphis, TN, on March 10-12, 2023. Expenses to be paid by Sanctioned Organization Funds, Booster Funds, personal funds and donations. 2. Carl Albert High School Boys' Basketball to compete in the Arvest/Conoco Bartlesville Basketball Tournament in Bartlesville, OK, on January 5-6, 2023. Expenses to be paid by School Activity Funds, Project Code 909, Boys' Basketball; Sanctioned Organization Funds and School District Allocated Funds. 3. Mike Dunn, Carl Albert High School, to attend the National Athletic Directors Conference and Exhibit Show in Nashville, TN, on December 9-13, 2022. Expenses to be paid by School Activity Funds, Project Code 865, Athletics. 4. Tracy Andrews and Lora Souza, Districtwide, to attend NASP 2023 in Denver, CO, on February 6-10, 2023. Expenses to be paid by Professional Development, Project Codes 615, 628 and 621. 5. Del City High School NJROTC Drone Team to compete in Alma, AR, on December 1-2, 2022. Expenses to be paid by NJROTC, Project Code 747. 6. Carl Albert High School Wrestling Team to participate in the Owasso Ram Dual Tourney in Owasso, OK, on January 20-21, 2023. Expenses to be paid by School Activity Funds, Project Code 854, Wrestling. 7. Diana Williams, Administration, to attend the Texas Music Educators Association on February 7-11, 2023, in San Antonio, TX. Expenses to be paid by Title II, Project Code 541. 8. Mid-Del Technology Center Business Professionals of America to compete in the BPA Competition and Leadership Workshops and Awards Ceremony. Expenses to be paid by Tech Center General Fund 12, Project Code 032; Activity Fund 65, Projects 943, 845, 826, 892; personal funds and donations. 9. Del City High School Orchestra and Band to perform in Branson, MO, on March 10-13, 2023. Expenses to be paid by Sanctioned Organization Funds, Booster Club, personal funds and donations. 10. Janice Howard, Del City Elementary; Kristyn Shawyer-Roberts, MCHS; Judy Tibbs, CAMS; Krissy Johnson, Administration; to attend the National Conference on Science Education in Atlanta, GA, on March 21-25, 2023. Expenses to be paid by Title II, Project Code 541 and Title I, Project Code 511. 11. Del City High School Boys Basketball to attend the Whataburger Classic Basketball Tournament in Mansfield, TX, on December 28-30, 2022. Expenses to be paid by School Activity Funds, Project Code 802, and Sanctioned Organization Funds.
III. Recognitions
III.A. Erin Graeber, Epperly Heights Physical Ed teacher, was awarded the Health Educator of the Year Award from OAHPERD (Oklahoma Association for Health Physical Ed, Recreation, and Dance). - Mr. Hill
III.B. Emily Boyer, Carl Albert High School, has been named to the Oklahoma Coaches Association 5A All-State Volleyball Team. - Ms. Goggans
III.C. Marissa Frolich, Carl Albert High School, has been named to the Oklahoma High School Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association All-State Team. - Ms. Goggans
III.D. Kenyha Barrett, Midwest City High School, has been named in the Top 10 6A All-Star, All-State Cast. - Ms. Berger
III.E. Presentation of Purple Star School Designation - Mrs. Boyer
IV. Information
IV.A. Public Participation
Persons who address the Board during the public participation portion of the regular Board meeting must meet the following qualifications:
IV.B. Superintendent’s Report - Dr. Cobb
IV.C. Mid-Del Foundation Grants - Mrs. Barks
V. Vote to approve or not approve a Resolution to the Oklahoma County Election Board for election of School Board Member Seat No. 3. - Dr. Cobb
VI. Vote to approve or not approve declaring district-owned property located at 36th and Schroeder in Forest Park to be surplus to the needs of the District. - Dr. Cobb
VII. Vote to approve or not approve revision of Policy B-17, District Organization Chart. - Dr. Cobb
VIII. Vote to approve or not approve the 2022-2023 Budget Amendment #1 for Fund 11 (General Fund) increase of $4,440,962 and Fund 12 (Co-Op Technology Center Fund) increase of $300,000. - Mrs. Woodard
IX. Vote to approve or not approve to contract with Total Wellness to operate a health clinic at the Learning Services Center. The estimated cost would be $26,000 to be paid with the COVID Testing Grant, Project Code 723. - Mrs. Woodard
X. Vote to approve or not approve the Memorandum of Understanding between Mid-Del Schools and Boys & Girls Club of Oklahoma County to provide a program at Country Estates Elementary School. - Mrs. Pope
XI. Vote to approve or not approve Guzman Consulting to provide psychologists for the 2022-2023 school year in increments up to $50,000.00 with an estimated cost of $100,000.00. - Mrs. Wilson
XII. Vote to approve or not approve the purchase of 1,410 USB-C iPad chargers and power adapters from SHI. The total cost of $37,083.00 is to be paid by Fund 11, ARP, Project Code 795. - Ms. Rennick White
XIII. Vote to approve or not approve the following architects and engineers for various construction projects throughout the 2022-2023 fiscal year: - Mr. Bryan
Architects Alba Griffin Partnership Mass Architects, Inc. LWPB Architecture Michael McCoy Architects, Inc. MA+ Architecture Engineers Crafton Tull Smith Roberts Baldischwiler WPM Design Group, PLLC
XIV. Vote to approve or not approve procurement of ninety-six 5-watt, 16 channel walkie talkie devices including all delivery fees, programming, batteries and battery chargers for a total cost of $33,235.20. Expenditure to be paid by General Fund 11, Project Code 795 (ARP). Unit pricing per NASPO contract #00318. - Mr. Stephenson
XV. Vote to approve or not approve revision 3 of the 2022-2023 Pay Rates. - Ms. Huston
XVI. Human Resources
XVI.A. Vote to approve or not approve all actions recommended in the Human Resources Reports: - Ms. Huston
XVI.B. Vote to approve or not approve the recommendation for Child Nutrition Director. - Ms. Huston
XVI.C. Vote to approve or not approve John Taylor, Midwest City High School, to serve as an adjunct teacher for Physical Science. - Ms. Huston
XVII. Proposed Executive Session for the purpose of:
A. Semi-annual confidential evaluation of Superintendent of Mid-Del Schools with no resulting vote intended, pursuant to Title 25, §307(B)(1) of the Oklahoma Statutes and B. Discussing employment compensation and/or terms of employment for Dr. Rick Cobb, Superintendent of Schools, pursuant to Title 25, §307(B)(1). 1. Vote to convene or not to convene into Executive Session 2. Acknowledge the Board has returned from Executive Session 3. Executive Session Statement of Minutes |
XVIII. Action items to follow Executive Session - Mr. Biggers
XIX. New Business
Item(s) that could not have been foreseen or known about at the time the agenda was posted which need action at this Board meeting. |
XX. Adjourn
This agenda was posted at the Board of Education Center, 7217 S.E. 15 Street, Midwest City, Oklahoma, on November 10, 2022, at 10:15 a.m., in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. The next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for December 12, 2022. |